

MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail Win/Mac

发表于 2015-8-28 20:44:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Program Name: MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.048 Retail Win/Mac7 \5 B1 b/ X+ t& W$ b* N' T
Program Type: 3D4 R& f1 C1 R2 e! p, {4 m: \
Release Date: August 9, 2016
2 d7 T" H! L% K$ T" {1 x" i+ z2 T  [Homepage: www.maxon.net
8 e# e$ r; w& d/ @8 \Interface Language: Multilingual: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Arabic
/ T# {- P* a% C$ SPlatform: Windows / Mac OSX" f2 O3 P" s+ W3 Q; P9 T% ]
File Format: .ISO9 ~$ H- O% u4 S
File Size: 7.02 GB
  h1 k* i  P0 q1 p- H
& I1 K' f5 @. N8 |' ^7 @2 BRendering
; V: U+ L! J+ KNew Variation Shader
  r8 k" s( ~) i; TNew Display Color Shader( y8 j2 _' w  f" K6 J4 D- L' T
Filter Shader: New Checkbox to switch color grading on/off1 N1 Y/ C( r1 u
New Formula Shader
' v1 ]& g0 \$ {- ~New Lens Distortion Shader
0 J6 J; s# _7 P3 ?" ~New Lens Distortion render effects
9 a. t% P; h! }- S+ _7 _/ i" oNew Take System
. N% F1 J! s2 f0 s3 Q1 KNew Token System
4 E: g3 E$ U: x( \& ?: }1 PGlobal Material Override( A3 ?1 }# j  M6 @5 ?0 c
Team Render Improvements9 R0 T; H/ [# i% D
Watermark Post-Effect now support Takes
3 e& t4 K" b/ ^; S' {! g! E* V  l, N$ G+ z  s/ \7 o4 _- {: E  @
: P0 D/ {+ x' O+ k3 v! O- ], iNew Spline Sketch Tool/ X/ q4 o5 _0 A. o+ V
New Spline Pen Tool8 u8 R! B/ V; b0 i5 b$ b" P& I
New Spline Arc Tool
" m+ h5 v9 n7 V7 i. vNew Spline Smooth Tool% |1 q- e, E$ c" h4 R
New Spline Boolean Commands: Substract, Union, And, Or, Intersect
! ]2 ^$ l1 |3 S9 d4 \7 M: ]Spline Mask supports new boolean modes* o1 F* q9 s8 {0 B. f4 a2 V* D" t6 |
Spline Mask now supports more than two splines
4 y' f% R+ ^5 j8 @, e! qNew behavior of the ESC key! \  A9 \4 K. L5 W4 E
New Trackball navigation mode
/ H- x% h1 g& n5 n( MMesh Check Enhancements, Q+ K6 Y% `& R& U  g) }' g! b4 b. ]
Poly Pen Enhancements+ `' i6 w) g8 l

1 b) x! l& o( j& zAnimation
1 j% f0 `: l1 q  O1 F) gNew Euler Filter  A) t* T9 p: K
New Autotangent modes
# s* U5 Z+ ^! V; i, M. V1 o( n1 kWeighted Tangents' x" e9 h  W" g* O
Fixed Slope Autotangent mode& K4 z# {4 }2 N- p" z
Remove Overshoot Flag' [, p& {6 ]6 }' R
Auto Weighting Flag
% ~/ [; ~# P2 N# e* ^8 m3 M" ETimeline Enhancements
9 [' j- [  q1 M" [( t) iNew Preferences& T: x. [# T, ?7 A' ~# t( c
Link Key/Fcurve Selection! M! D# H9 R+ @
OM Single object linking9 T; m6 j7 K# p. \5 C" w& q: Z
OM Single object linking but displays the tags
- z& i, o, j" p  v+ x2 Y) gFCurve ListView7 n4 [+ @4 C3 i' [5 i3 m0 v4 i3 u
FCurve Non-hierarchical listview+ @$ [5 L. R- }2 o
3 l! ^. Z* K- u8 J$ T0 Z  nTab instead of space bar to switch between Dopesheet/Fcurve
% s" q9 x4 S% Q% g- UImproved shift behavior
3 ]& q+ ]3 b4 P- j' p' V0 ?% ySpace bar now plays but only when Timeline is active
5 r$ m( U4 r5 QThe interactive update now also work in Dopesheet mode; b8 N  }3 ~2 h/ A7 T, n9 @9 ^
General speedup0 ^" V! j  s1 U/ u' A7 Q3 \
Now there are 2 Timeline commands (to open Dopesheet or FCurve)9 z8 o9 z. b5 n
Zoom to cursor
! w4 E- I: W6 `9 u, |7 `5 xExtended marker to range markers and added color$ a3 _! X% T- Y
Show tangents of selected curves
% V! v; C; Z1 j( Y( t. _5 C2 vUser Data groups are now also displayed in the Timeline
+ a+ L! J: f6 T$ W% P8 @6 E% j! HWhen the preference ?Track Color? is set to Track Color, the tracks names are also colored in the list views' c+ V7 H8 d/ F, X* n  Y
HPB should now has the correct color order.
3 g; w) B: \( ~2 |' x0 |& Q" [There is a new deselect command so that CTRL-Shift A can deselect everything  y6 |6 ]5 x# Y" ?
The Timeline now remembers the last active area (Object area or main area) and then selects/deselect all accordingly4 }" z9 @$ [( c9 t' z- _7 p& z
New ?Lock Ratio? command for locked zooming in FCurve Mode - shift toggles between locked/not locked ratio3 x  {2 J3 c9 |& e! r4 Z/ d% z5 }) A
Powerslider Enhancements- H3 M* V) J0 M7 M6 r+ j
CTRL-Shift to create markers0 G) T3 d" i& k5 F3 d. x
There are new commands in the context menu of the Powerslider# z) w, r7 m6 _
Double click in the lower area of the Powerslider extends the range to the document range
& L' y( ^0 j6 j# c  @* }0 [9 IExtended markers also displayed in the Powerslider
: [3 U$ |! l1 W0 ?Optimized default behaviours
0 O  b: z/ b' l1 x0 i; f/ d9 m$ H8 ?" b7 Q+ I
Sculpting+ ^) N9 J# h; B: J' M$ E
Erase Brush: New ?Erase Masked? button, e: j8 ?8 X) o
New ?Sculpt To PoseMorph? command
0 c, J3 x# S8 }  }9 I9 y  }Grab Brush: New Surface Distance Option, f0 j' T6 ^; \0 a1 B  |; b, t# v! U
Stencil Tile Preview
, J. o5 M8 O  u' vFlatten Brush: NewFixed Plane Option ?Custom Plane?
6 }2 O* y9 d' G$ }Radial Symmetry supports a custom center point
0 \0 }6 V7 o  R* e, Z8 B5 SSculpt Brushes now Support Guide Snapping
5 g: [1 @; Z% l/ B) YBackface Sculpting Option0 R. _2 h% @0 K8 e: K0 p
Edge Detect Option1 l' F( H  O0 M, k+ c/ j& H# H8 z
Mask Brush Improvement
/ |# x: \7 E9 p+ k+ a5 ^& m  ?Symmetry Dialog: New ?Find nearest point? option
9 _3 n1 R5 S9 s
0 Y) G2 ^* x1 H: f3 o& pPython. R5 Q" e# w  V: j( Q* E/ G; H3 ]
BrushDabData+ F' A* c" M, v. }9 ?* W& e! K* I+ D
$ u  ]% m0 e' I9 cSculptObject2 I3 [  F/ a1 m- W$ t. C  _" k2 j
! M/ P; y; U9 D, b1 D* Z
C++6 ^; N5 h1 @  a# O" @
  C$ C* {0 m) U" [! eSculptMouseData6 c7 a' d4 Q' |" ?9 [
Spline Brush SDK Example
( f% V! v5 B3 Q8 Y# H/ WOther Additions
" P4 f/ B3 L6 j) K! V, J' {lib_sculpt.h0 J* k6 [7 a! l0 r. H. |% g
; k- z8 R" E5 h4 d
Motion Tracker$ C( D8 E$ B" v" s
New Graph View with Top-Down and Graph mode4 @8 |# u7 _4 F  ]
Lens Distortion Tool for Camera Calibrator and Motion Tracker5 d9 q  ]' g$ D' m2 [1 T
! `3 |" T& ?! Y) \. U; c0 h
9 T1 F% |; c9 k  T" X9 yNew OBJ Import/Export with support for materials8 \& g1 u; x' h. U8 h! g
New Sketchup Import; {! U  v6 _% m
FBX now supports Takes) T% x( p2 L* }  X4 _' l' u: L( ~
AE now supports Takes
4 Z+ I; M; l( m. r" ?3 G% l
; W! b: A! t& W, jPipeline
6 r- I+ W6 U% r* v4 a$ OIntegration of the Houdini Engine
' x4 @3 w( W0 T# n; U6 Q! `  ?  ]; e5 n0 _# Q2 [/ r5 y* h  v
Workflow & Interface0 K# |: L0 {! k% j% J" @
New Color Chooser
6 x% u4 n8 C, t5 c  n( ~) |Bitmap Shader has a new function to locate the file in Finder/Explorer, u3 {7 {2 |, K4 D( Z
"Locate Image..." now works correctly for presets7 q1 A  l  W- [8 ]. S
Naming tool now also works with Tags, Materials, Layers and Takes
& m3 h5 P7 |& S/ F3 t( WEnhanced Camera HUD& e. P! j: h; D1 n
Rendersettings HUD
. `/ t) M$ z5 y" O* f& B7 h  IAttributes Manager: New Layer mode
* V$ A0 V; T3 v: S0 a/ dMaterial Editor: Presets for refraction0 O$ h- |% J% V; S* P
The last selected objects gets a different highlight color in the Object Manager: R: h, U- q: X9 O4 ?( O! [
The Texture Manager now can remove links to Textures (e.g. Textures in deactivated channels)
. a6 ~) \, Z  }# c0 kThe PictureViewer now also displays the frame number of the rendered frame.9 ]% _+ M1 S4 v; M8 [
The rendertime display moved to a more prominent place in the PictureViewer' Y0 G9 T8 h; x% @, m& v
The cursor keys can now be used to navigate the Texture Manager
! m( S& W8 j( @5 s. W" b0 d9 K2 b/ ^* \9 Y9 M" D5 |$ }) q: i
Other" ~( t7 D9 {+ x$ A0 S$ q/ \1 t
Metaball Enhancements: New ?Line? and ?Triangle? types, ?Accurate Normals? method, ^0 M- J; n0 s
Threaded redraw of texture custom user interface7 K5 F* U) B, x6 O# Z& w$ P# p
Automatic network proxy detection3 A, g, D) G+ P! v
Viewport Dither+ W* {% Y+ G8 K
New command line parameter to render Takes
1 B& l8 f. C+ MMerge now supports Takes
2 Y, Q: y" K: L7 `New Override Node for XPresso
* z2 y' m: W4 ]: U! B4 m: q5 o5 [New OpenGL base system Context, OpenGL 3.2 required% \* P8 y; P3 W4 W# S3 ^& \
Image loaders are now interuptable. This allows early exit for threaded user interface updates.
) q3 H# j1 t4 _/ ~9 B8 t& h- B& g9 s' s5 U+ W
Serail Number:1 ~) h" t5 A! g1 b
' \. ]( S$ f- y, t$ B' f5 Z14700084172-XGPZ-VJWR-BCDK-JRPN
1 _$ y4 L3 T: r* S! i14700022461-CXLK-CTDX-FTMR-SDGJ
1 }7 X" r/ G8 s- ]( J+ ]! L$ U14700021473-HBVW-PVMS-KKWM-WHFZ
  l' I+ c6 {6 M7 q; z. J/ W14700081165-NKZP-NNFZ-CKNR-SBDV
1 F/ w" }# I. C: V7 l+ ?14700030489-MKPB-HKHZ-VPFP-HVZF
; `' r  r- e  C, k14700030915-HNFW-THJB-JXXT-HLPR
* ~/ k6 n) h1 O* X4 a* B5 E4 B0 h  P$ P0 s
Download:8 K% ]7 H. ~' B8 o6 H0 w  Z) {
MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part01.rar9 k/ B; e* ]. r0 W1 Z
MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part02.rar2 j8 o5 g# x& }+ _6 R+ j, h
MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part03.rar
6 H5 S2 |3 C4 V7 r6 j3 UMAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part04.rar
$ K4 u. q/ h+ V5 I8 XMAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part05.rar
5 g; i% S7 I( f/ ?  \/ V/ }MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part06.rar) k* U% |; y0 q7 h% `" x6 K" |
MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part07.rar9 T5 b7 Q' K* \) b% L
MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail .part08.rar* Y5 x: a, k. B( r- q
MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail.part09.rar
  Y( g8 P% Z# F, p  XMAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail.part10.rar
0 b! \* B( D% }MAXON CINEMA 4D R17 Studio V17.053 Retail.part11.rar; w- K0 h+ F1 L/ ]
( F- [" Q0 o& E2 {

( D  Z: L6 h; S/ B. {! V( B+ LDownload From NitroFlare8 W  _$ E# M$ P8 A/ e0 \
http://www.nitroflare.com/view/6C5F61E7256B6AB/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part1.rar: F- X8 ~7 |' w* `
5 V: w0 {* N. T% s6 K' a% M3 y  mhttp://www.nitroflare.com/view/1614B7718A44788/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part3.rar8 S2 u$ `  b* s4 f) s2 v- ~. I& A
http://www.nitroflare.com/view/8E6942EEEB9C162/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part4.rar5 @: i0 [) h) G$ w; G4 J- F
; a: A$ a' |. c5 e" Lhttp://www.nitroflare.com/view/0985DCFC719E665/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part6.rar
( _4 M; P4 J/ D* x' ^2 Ohttp://www.nitroflare.com/view/A6267A5B8ED0E36/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part7.rar; [' i1 t0 t% M. [
http://www.nitroflare.com/view/92C664470C05C20/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part8.rar2 ^- ^  Y; c6 i1 ]' Y: ~7 Y
0 ^) ^, j7 }8 a5 l9 ^! Q
http://fboom.me/file/a3d9256c846f0/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part1.rar  a* I6 m; \3 s, ]
http://fboom.me/file/4a2493deed967/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part2.rar2 u, c- W+ \4 v/ @
http://fboom.me/file/cec8f84d97b56/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part3.rar) {; v) P! a5 b/ Y' g2 \
5 E+ l2 O% l+ [+ ^4 U8 u) Thttp://fboom.me/file/7ae4255d819c2/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part5.rar- @5 O& E: y' \) g; r" G! F1 I9 v
: B; a- O' W% r% Whttp://fboom.me/file/dd5e7ce7ee161/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part7.rar
# j1 T; z/ F! T: G+ I) F+ zhttp://fboom.me/file/5bb96bdcb85e7/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part8.rar' l5 L( B& |! W+ n3 t+ p

+ n5 I! q  K6 y2 m. s8 M5 N6 U( Jhttp://rapidgator.net/file/af87058bf9a268aae9bc0cfb37308f45/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part1.rar.html
& _% ~5 l& S% V1 t: }2 |( khttp://rapidgator.net/file/671ef7b0c26321f8dabe3f16215e6378/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part2.rar.html
, ~2 k) n8 x% A" K9 c0 Q$ f1 J2 thttp://rapidgator.net/file/7b216985b480d4e48fcbfb6879574887/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part3.rar.html
1 ~( l: Q. V6 Lhttp://rapidgator.net/file/09e0c69098573fad89953eded80f6bf4/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part4.rar.html
/ D: G$ h9 a8 m$ D3 I8 }' ohttp://rapidgator.net/file/fc5f97c0f3d9afc7861d57b6c1a7869b/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part5.rar.html
: N5 b$ i- K- K" r6 h$ g0 v( @http://rapidgator.net/file/fd9c103219a1b6dce5107ae422902a86/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part6.rar.html" _9 H  B( X+ _# c0 ~
http://rapidgator.net/file/aa1f33d73d242bceb6bb049d05c47ab5/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part7.rar.html1 [1 Y/ {* y+ \
http://rapidgator.net/file/b5931d9f03bb60b69048e10e9de83477/MAXON.CINEMA.4D.STUDIO.R17.048.MULTI.HYBRID-ISO.part8.rar.html3 O4 L# \5 A/ P5 o* t) i

' W. V% ?' R. X$ ^) [- d1 U4 zhttps://www.secureupload.eu/kor3dz68t71k/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part1.rar0 ?% x( ^6 A- k/ h
https://www.secureupload.eu/zxsvfh5nd1cg/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part2.rar, m* U* D# u& F% @
https://www.secureupload.eu/rbkni07btel7/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part3.rar- i* r  g, U, A
https://www.secureupload.eu/k0w738zs7h70/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part4.rar$ G5 J6 X' k( Z. C
https://www.secureupload.eu/r45xzclln5ng/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part5.rar; l2 G( {+ s$ P3 J% S. J' d/ C& Q
" \7 D! a7 h' i+ qhttps://www.secureupload.eu/klzf86rfvlny/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part7.rar: Y+ n% o% N5 L, Z2 v$ U
https://www.secureupload.eu/kajjuvdldmtm/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part8.rar8 L$ X: j# r' {# Y  u

( l" @1 p% X4 e2 L3 X+ j  {# Qhttp://uploaded.net/file/2g05cpbh/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part1.rar
8 r+ V+ Y& |- @% L( E  hhttp://uploaded.net/file/zkr65pie/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part2.rar
! t+ B' k7 N) w7 j$ T0 M; ^http://uploaded.net/file/xkvdlcvs/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part3.rar
# ]6 w9 M3 L) P4 S! e$ lhttp://uploaded.net/file/7y7b9580/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part4.rar
" k' a1 c7 Z' J/ Ahttp://uploaded.net/file/t6v3jykq/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part5.rar- V2 `! X3 B; X% E6 D7 p
. R' V6 K  e1 ihttp://uploaded.net/file/lowubvlt/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part7.rar
/ J3 ]; e! {( z. G) v# m# I' {http://uploaded.net/file/c4fezl7b/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part8.rar
# C( B  N, }* D. Q6 Y6 F' w3 P. A5 S
http://uploadrocket.net/q7ryzkgij0pm/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part1.rar.html1 a9 C8 a: m/ G
  M( a2 f$ G9 W7 Ghttp://uploadrocket.net/lby7btnwsgvu/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part3.rar.html
4 q6 e" H5 z+ W* n7 Ohttp://uploadrocket.net/2cfv27gu9c34/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part4.rar.html% x5 u( s. Q: D/ e2 z9 J
http://uploadrocket.net/sjhcln0zyvml/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part5.rar.html$ i  y4 ?; r" j3 E
http://uploadrocket.net/naultw6jnp5f/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part6.rar.html6 {3 Q$ t/ ~  R  H# h; u
; G' ]. _/ ^! V/ I& g' E9 Ohttp://uploadrocket.net/dte894j737ff/w4yxd.Maxon.Cinema.4D.R17.048.HYBRID.WinMac.ISO.part8.rar.html
- e' {7 O4 |6 ?1 t1 n( _: y# ^7 [  S* _  z8 p" M- q& e
Update from Cinema 4D R17.016 to R17.032
& y. l8 L7 c9 I" `  n* {! Whttp://http.maxon.net/pub/r17/updates/c4d17032upd.c4dupdate.zip
" L$ k3 G! a- Nhttp://http.maxon.net/pub/r17/updates/c4d17048upd.c4dupdate.zip! M0 k3 o, J: ~6 T! Y, f2 z3 v) i
http://http.maxon.net/pub/r17/updates/c4d17053upd.c4dupdate.zip9 x4 g. [7 Z. A& f3 `; O
3 T6 V5 o1 R. q8 S& a5 ]7 |- h

, t0 b. `% t* W( x: V( W3 j# T. |会员快速  e1 a8 i) H  P5 D8 ^+ l* S* J
$ n+ x) N5 v/ R, G7 x/ R4 |


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