

[Xara Photo & Graphic Designer] MAGIX Photo & Graphic Designer v8.1.3.23942

发表于 2016-10-8 11:08:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Release Name: MAGIX Photo & Graphic Designer MX 2013 v8.1.3.239425 ?" e# V/ {8 q, J# ?# g, h/ J& B
Program Type: Image editing
! v  K/ v6 K# X4 TRelease Date: 09 / 2013) P, v* |; o( b) _7 [) P
Publisher: MAGIX AG" s2 S7 q' Y' n3 Y; R
Homepage: www.magix.com/us/xara-photo-graphic-designer! K  }) H1 j% w9 l
Interface Language: English( d8 u5 d9 X/ |; m& P5 n
Platform: WinALL% h% O. S: w" H/ N5 |" B# e
File Size: 57.5Mb
' ~$ X4 E3 c( t' L7 b$ c: D+ B, F: S4 X. h% l0 e% o3 P- i4 o
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 2013 is a flexible, time-saving solution for designing amazing creations! From photo montages to photo editing tools, illustration tools or templates for an easy start, this program has everything you need for photo editing and graphic design in one intuitive user interface! The complete solution for photo editing and graphic design
( s7 y4 e4 X% K. ~) t: r) E0 [7 c+ o. K+ c& `; I( ]
Take advantage of a high-performance program with a huge selection of photo and graphics tools and an unbeatable price-performance ratio. The best solution for editing images and designing graphics all in a single user interface. Work with all of the innovative features in realtime and see for yourself just how fast and effective this program is. Take advantage of all the flexible options and creative possibilities. You'll be amazed!
; L7 P/ G: Z' w3 Q6 P( O: M( ^+ ?% `) ^1 E) F5 |
Save in 3 ways: time, money and effort. Whether for editing photos or designing graphics, you can work on all sorts of different projects using only one program and output your creations in any way necessary: as image files, web graphics, or PDFs for printing.
' A3 z+ r4 L2 A- }' r0 t
2 I$ m. A0 o6 `' M4 z3 {3 OBenefits:
/ P5 W3 ~; O; z/ J# J" d  T- Edit & optimize photos and images
# l, _2 A! A% w  k9 ]" C1 x* k( _- Photo retouching and detail adjustment! F: {* R+ i2 J6 L* u
- Enhance photos with artistic effects. T2 m9 w, C5 I* [9 G
- Illustrate, draw and paint
( O9 r" Q. U5 b- a! e6 L5 P4 P- Vector-based graphic creation5 `  b+ b6 @" h' A
- 3D design tool (e.g. for logos)
& k+ E5 b4 C+ Z  p5 j- Create animations
( k/ v/ K3 z+ m5 }; s9 b- Professional photo design templates; M4 \" c) v5 M8 {' B% w/ p' O
8 m3 u" Q& k4 o5 ]" c7 [
Innovations:4 s6 L0 \6 b5 J5 ~) ?- }
- NEW! Color Picker and Color Mask9 j8 @2 K+ L: J6 K  ~- K
- NEW! Shape Eraser! I3 f5 F! o1 g' W
- IMPROVED! Magic Erase 2.0 (Intelligent Photo Retouching)% @# Q9 a9 d6 O2 `$ Q3 U2 @% o
- NEW! Quick Text Formatting' c/ [, a( G9 S) \# Z
- NEW! Improved Galleries
  M* M$ N) c$ s1 J8 l- NEW! The MAGIX Online Album Premium; g8 l! B3 {& ^/ c9 V
- NEW! MX = Media-X-change5 u* d4 ~1 U, q& L: R& y8 U
. [+ H* F$ x; _. D+ o3 q5 y
All functions:
3 p  m7 u6 Y6 @0 g* q8 ^- Image editing
* w  v7 \: X" S4 ~5 `2 Q- Selective optimization
6 c' |4 {6 S/ y- Photo synthesis (editing using multiple pictures)/ A; J' A4 v4 L/ t+ p. S% g6 t
- Zoom & scaling
' m2 U# K4 o9 O- |: Z8 ^2 `: k- Creative effects2 u. K* C& o# v$ X% m. q) L
- Design templates: [: n' {4 h' _" |
- Illustrate, draw & paint
% n5 _8 y% t& Q# A+ ~% J6 k- Text, layout & desktop publishing) k. y2 s  [) N  l! q8 z; ]
- 3D design tool4 K% X* ?3 `* u" s) m
- Create animations
. K# t' T- \8 m2 @" n' D; x; W- Touch/tablet PCs & graphic tablets7 Z. z" v( q" C' `0 {
- Online services- t- j& |/ d2 R$ Q

5 c) d# Q1 J+ D/ }
/ C+ K0 ^  ?' b) o: wSupported file formats( v6 E* z4 I: n9 [* |% Z+ y
6 K" o% s9 ]% A) d' \
Bitmap import formats:7 u$ T- s. z% ~6 o: @+ }1 l; `& u& K
- Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)) T1 Y7 A# `0 C% U( G( _: x
- Halo CUT 256 color (*.cut)$ u# Y- S, Y! G& k5 p2 `
- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image format (*.dcm)
( u3 Q- M8 D+ ]1 @- DCX (*.dcx). w4 c- T$ |. D4 b6 ]) c
- Fax (*.fax) – image format that was received from a fax or created with fax software$ @3 J# m% ]1 H( s  ~
- Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)  S. Q6 }+ h4 f( s
- Microsoft Windows Icon 16 color (*.ico)
. Z4 p$ |+ E+ P3 |- JPEG (*.jpg)+ p/ C3 O  B) _- U0 u
- JPEG2000 (*.jp2, *.j2c, *.j2k, *.jpx, *.jpf)
' u& O; q, U+ g+ U( `: d: ?: W- MAGIX Bitmap (*.mxb)( \0 p; z8 }: k0 L7 L! [/ |
- UNIX monochrome (*.pbm)
( H3 N+ D. `, B# x) c/ p- PhotoCD (*.pcd). T) ?; {5 |) a5 D
- PICT (*.pct)5 r0 h2 v$ F6 u2 n& F3 H
- PCX Paintbrush (*.pcx)
2 r( G* @6 o+ @# m9 K- PDF Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
" b6 E" E) Q  w. s- UNIX grayscale (*.pgm)" p8 P& Y/ y: O1 H$ ?
- PNG (*.png)
) {- J  m2 L' \) D5 J- UNIX multicolor up to 24 bit (*.ppm)( M2 O( T! g! b7 {, b8 ]' a9 K
- Photoshop (*.psd)) _8 w2 ^2 ^! X0 b( e
- Sun Raster (*.ras)8 O5 {0 r: j6 P4 K6 i' _
- Silicon Graphics Image (.sgi)
8 ]" H+ Z2 e& K/ G; c- TrueVision TARGA (*.tga)5 f# ], d) S  ^+ L1 n
- TIFF (*.tif) (RGB, RGBA with alpha-channel transparency)  y9 ^* V/ j) m  S" I* D1 Q3 r
- Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7 supports Fax TIFF files (black and white images). Multi-page faxes will be imported in Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7 as multiple pages; Mac or PC byte order TIFF files; TIFF files with layers and transparency (if saved from Photoshop, the same blend modes apply as for PSD files); JPEG in TIFF (transparency is not possible in this case).
2 r# b1 f6 A* x- X Windows 2 color (*.xbm)6 D% q0 @, B+ Z3 W/ Z
- X Windows 256 color (*.xpm)
% U$ |! a0 s8 L' c6 t- Wireless Bitmap Image (.wbmp). Black and white bitmap (1-bit) for mobile devices.
& L$ i) @8 ?$ X8 ?# a* u- RAW camera format (*.raw) List of supported camera models$ S8 F' i5 f) N5 M
* l/ |' d+ e+ Y0 C" x
EPS Import Formats:" ]  I4 w4 K6 m$ @. k6 ?
- Illustrator EPS (*.ai)( n6 t, A/ g; b9 u
- Illustrator EPS (*.eps)
' ^8 g  g* j. Q( h! e$ ~- CorelDraw 3 & 4 EPS (*.eps)
$ W8 _3 G% J9 J# s0 H- Freehand 3.0 EPS (*.eps); P: i$ O2 ?: O6 }" f) H4 }# K+ s% s
- Photoshop EPS (*eps) (for importing files from Photoshop into Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7 use PSD files instead of EPS files for best results).
, R  w4 j3 z) R' U2 `
  @! T: u+ V: R  a- M0 kOther import formats:
  k1 W* o2 d( \& i! T" K0 Y- Xara Studio (*.art)$ V& Y( ~9 b" ~. N
- Xara Webster files (*.web), u% ]; e1 I$ \* ~' j- R
- Acorn Draw (*.aff)7 Y0 j# J# H: o
- CorelDraw (3, 4 & 5) (*.cdr)
$ A& ^2 p4 r6 p, I% T$ v# \- CorelDraw Template (*.cdt)- E8 [' E: ~7 I) n3 R, I. c
- Corel CMX 5 & 6 (*.cmx)+ x; T9 L- k# A# k" ^- V- k
- Acorn Draw (*.drw)
0 d! u! J/ H+ p& A& c( |) {0 b- Graphics on HTML pages (*.htm)% j6 Q6 K# }8 Z& @. M" a" ?, a
- Windows Metafile 16-bit (*.wmf)" L% X9 p+ }& _
- Enhanced Windows Metafile (*.emf / *.wmf)
' P7 l1 h$ n- ~$ A+ K8 F" `- Text (*.rtf)
! n! r9 u' F* T+ `- |0 N/ `1 G- Format for internal use by Xara (*.wix)
# a$ W4 V- V8 D1 d
, @4 O& W! m2 CPalette import formats:( j9 R) M+ Y+ S( N1 j6 c
- CorelDRAW Palette (*.cpl)( ~* k% B% {4 z. U( x4 k* h
- CorelDRAW Palette (*.pal)
" n4 [5 V, \: a- Microsoft Palette (*.pal)
- q: D2 |# N4 }( z, S! N/ t- PaintShop Pro palette (*.pal)
2 S* b/ V2 v. J  J/ B% _; B- Adobe Color Tables (*.act)2 l" f+ L+ @6 H: v0 ^
- Adobe Color-Swatch Standard Color Fields (*.aco)
; }. P1 i: Y; K& J& o+ x" z# U9 ]2 x8 S2 r
Export formats:
8 M1 K# l2 H' d! b, Q! h9 Y, Z' [6 E- Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)4 C( c- y! I  Z4 E
- DCX (*.dcx)
( X: R! c& g& P( }' X" M; X' ^! ]  r' N- PCX Format (*.pcx)CompuServe GIF (*.gif)
+ A3 `  y4 w: ?7 Q% O9 b- Animated GIF files (*.gif)# K, p9 Y! J8 U3 S  `
- JPEG + JPEG2000 (*.jpg)
7 {1 m! E1 D4 w6 L) X6 U; r: v- PDF Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
$ d( D- {9 m* Z9 ?; }- Photoshop (*.psd); f) V. j( U  C' ]
- UNIX monochrome (*.pbm)+ e3 ]7 Z. s0 M6 z% r
- PhotoCD (*.PCD)) a( o& ~: y" x. I5 O6 O! J: k
- PICT (*.pct)9 m' @5 L" [. }: H# v
- PNG (*.png)4 s% C: ^! `$ C0 ]3 P
- Sun Raster (*.ras)
) \8 G2 k* u/ M8 c  u- TrueVision TARGA (*.tga)$ m% l- w! z+ q. z$ b6 T1 j
- TIFF (*.tif) (RGB)4 p1 {: X: E% F' ?0 _
- EPS export formats' f; v4 v" k2 Z, k9 ^; {4 ~
- Illustrator EPS (*.ai)8 Z+ H* \; G+ G: k/ J$ ^" g
- Illustrator EPS (*.eps)
9 Z' K+ @1 ?6 d3 A& z+ L2 n! E+ }- Xara Xtreme EPS (*.eps)3 X9 Y5 Q" z, o2 e4 p* y

7 }, O& L; ~+ p0 H; |Other export formats:
7 G, q  D7 J' w. Q5 D- AVI animation (.avi) – animation documents1 L$ i8 p) w. `$ }
- CorelXARA (*.xar)
$ t. `: z) }$ _* m% z- Xara Webster files (*.web)# K" X2 y; j& S- o2 f$ ~2 l, o/ }
- Windows Metafile (*.wmf). q& L0 ~2 X3 U
- Enhanced Windows Metafile (*.emf / *.wmf), M0 A* v. m) ^3 M
- Corel CMX 5 & 6 (*.cmx)% n- D" ?' x2 l
- Image map (*.htm)
- p. X% Q7 R0 P" Q- k; J4 G5 _- Flash (.swf) animated Flash files or single frames
$ c+ F5 B& i& t3 N% v- Rich Text Format (*.rtf)( b3 ^! @# i1 n2 H
- Scalable Internet Vector Graphic (*.svg)' ~! h; L2 s6 A
- Format for internal use by Xara (*.wix)& \% g/ s' b  T. c! W! o- l0 y
* h/ l6 v8 R" t5 {% ]
0 L  }/ a( N/ G% v
Minimum system requirements:
+ i% r9 E$ h, P/ z7 F* c- Windows Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit and 64-bit), XP (32-bit)
/ R# C( r* g9 f- V  t! l- Processor: 700 MHz or higher
( P, h( z$ W% R4 S; z3 J- RAM: 512 MB9 B4 p9 X0 L3 f" u4 Q# y7 d( _
- Hard disk memory: 300 MB free disk space for program installation
. v. Z: l) N, f7 I- M- Graphics card: Onboard graphics card with a screen resolution of at least 1024x600- t* d4 x' L, t
- Optical drive: CD or DVD drive (only for installation of the box version)
. Y/ `4 i8 F* b  P" P1 A2 y+ b9 E- S/ D8 s( s; t' o* Z8 G; F

* Q0 A1 q- G4 K4 |$ Q# n9 I  k1 m7 [
- y! V. C$ \0 z: C$ n1 h
: W6 Y& I9 q4 M. a) G& |" \$ W1 JMAGIX Xara Photo & Graphic Designer v8.1.0.22207.exe
- w( Q/ F2 N. [MAGIX Xara Photo & Graphic Designer v8.1.3.23942.exe8 f; R; {5 [5 ?( v

6 {5 o: Y' G" ^5 q1 Z" Qhttp://downloads.xara.com/downloads/software/xaraphotographicdesignermxdl.exe
1 r3 p( m0 l) P4 `- ?  n- Hhttp://downloads.xara.com/downloads/software/xaradesignerpromxdl.exe& \$ |# A) k% ^! S


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