

[BorisFX] Boris FX Continuum Complete 9 v9.0.5

发表于 2014-11-27 13:36:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Boris FX Continuum Complete 9 v9.0.3
6 e8 p# ?( J% W2 F# Q9 n, AProgram Type: Plug-In0 T: j+ U3 s; O
Release Date: April 20148 J/ O  T* D$ K" ^
Homepage: https://borisfx.com/products/continuum/continuum-version-9/
' v6 i2 @+ U/ B) b# ~Interface Language: English' l9 ]1 P! d/ K; u: N% i) F
Requirements: Win64 / After Effects, Premiere Pro CS6, CC, and CC 2014& _0 \5 e& e- `5 o
File Size: 348 MB
4 V7 A( D1 q5 }% D  l5 kFile Size: 283/285 MB# ?5 X" c% w: @

1 }8 H# v" M8 ~% \3 n0 dBoris Continuum Complete version 9 is a comprehensive VFX plug-in suite with over 230 filters including 3D particle effects, image restoration and touchup tools, true 3D lens flares and volumetric lighting effects, keys and mattes, extrusions, color grading tools, time-based effects, blurs, glows, and cinematic effects such as film glow, film grain, and film process looks. All filters take advantage of either multi-processing or OpenGL hardware acceleration for an interactive effects design experience. Continuum version 9 was released with 11 new effects and 23 new transitions.) d: c. o( J; A3 e

' b. y; G, q( {7 T- q, X, n, ^WHAT WAS NEW IN V9
% w* J. U* s  Q( W" g: tFX BROWSER& E* _. M; m, K
Quickly and easily find your perfect look.$ t5 X# y- D& L% W- V
The FX Browser™ can be accessed both in each individual filter and as a standalone to browse the entire BCC effects presets library. The built-in browsing history lets you keep track of your most recent searches. All effects play back over video in your timeline, not just a poster frame.$ \. Q1 a( H1 w
Preview libraries of saved presets, looks, filters, effects and transitions.! v0 V. D% Y( g1 v: Y$ |
2 c8 I  E; v' Q9 s+ _4 j  y
) c+ E: q0 i- H0 vBCC 9 delivers 23 new transitions to editors. You now have 30+ dissolves and wipes. (3x the amount of BCC 8!) Add Flutter Cuts, Blur and Glow dissolves, a retro Damaged TV dissolve, and much more to your arsenal.' F* y6 ?+ x( X9 F8 [, D- w
Animating your transitions just got better! Thanks to unique overlay curves showing you exactly where a wipe or dissolve starts and where the effect takes place in the transition. No keyframing needed!+ E( x' Y& C7 |9 d( F/ L

9 z) B2 K; {" G4 g. jCHROMAKEY STUDIO5 j8 J  [! E$ p/ H
Your one stop shop. Junk mattes, green screen smoothing, final matte cleanups, pulling a perfect chroma key, light wraps, and color correcting - all in one powerful filter! No more layering filters upon filters!- S. y3 M% u! q' T: F4 o7 }3 T) F

/ O8 w( r$ ^: J6 hFILM FILTERS
4 i" Q8 ?0 j# R3 u$ pBCC Vignette. Apply a soft camera lens or screen projection over your footage with added luminosity and defocus controls.
0 g7 S1 j( v2 b4 j4 PBCC 2-Strip Color. Mimic the over-saturated Technicolor look of classic Hollywood Films.
, N6 b; u" o+ J+ U9 s2 V. m5 z
, R% ]4 j  a& K# r- I* AIMAGE RESTORATION
5 e4 j9 ]4 U; V' LBCC Magic Sharp. Be a hero by rescuing blurry footage.: W0 G; M4 J/ j& ^; N! l0 N
BCC Lens Correction. Get rid of the fish-eye warp produced by a wide angle camera lens - especially handy for all you GoPro camera users.2 @& d2 ~4 M1 X* T2 g
- u) F) b+ D, n5 p
PAN AND ZOOM, d% C9 j8 v8 u. r
The ever-popular go-to for Avid users now rotates images in 3D! Plus, more cropping and adjustment options.
3 H, x+ ]  e; j" V# b+ |$ M( n9 [% T% \3 q8 a
- `+ z0 l  @6 Y( ]$ N* I# @A GoPro user’s best friend.& v6 i, {/ s  ?1 E0 }3 R3 e
Instantly get rid of the fish-eye warp produced by a wide angle camera lens. Fix perspective corrections.4 m$ j7 D# F, I( A
3 ]; R0 W% N- A( R
Fast & easy to use.
6 f3 _+ h9 a; q2 I2 zIncludes handy presets that were specifically designed for GoPro cameras.
: @9 @- t, b6 S8 j# z, c. o6 `  _- U+ F8 k- ]
GRUNGE AND EDGE GRUNGE/ ]/ Z" e+ b! K  p* n& F- y( [
Add grit, grime, and textures.
) Y5 `! Y& {7 B3 `Whether you are working on music videos, sports promos or simply looking to change your footage, BCC Grunge is a cool and fun way to get creative.
2 v# N- n* o! r& h2 q7 U9 F" bBCC Grunge combines procedural algorithms with real image textures that can be used on titles and footage to create unique grungy, degraded, torn-up, or melting looks.
0 H, i0 J9 L$ s; j3 Z# H0 X6 k
/ G+ w. n  _7 ?PERFORMANCE SPEED-UP  d8 I. F# K! {& J$ U
Open CL and CUDA Acceleration is now available for supported graphics cards. Popular filters such as Lens Blur, Film Glow, and Film Process render 2X faster than before.6 D" |. C3 x* x( C- U3 z" X
4 v3 Z; S* z: S7 e
BCC AE 9.0.3 supports the following host applications:
; ]3 h" `1 S: h) r$ H- Win64
1 m8 }' t3 ^- j" s9 ^1 p: T- Adobe After Effects CS6, CC, and CC 2014
# g) m, J. `, `- z2 `- Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, CC, and CC 2014
- T/ Z* G( x5 g- O% d. o) B) w9 Z
+ M: S( x4 w! q9 b: R# e7 QBug Fixes In BCC AE 9.0.1:
3 K1 L; S. P# t6 c# T9 {- Warp - Antialiasing not working.
% Y" D) J6 B: }; Z2 u- R6 y- Vector Blur Dissolve - Ignore Edge Pixels not working as expected.
7 _% l2 {4 t9 ~2 \3 o1 O- Edge Grunge - Layer Border options not working as expected.
) H1 f; q" s/ z3 f; A- Film Damage - Error messages when applied to time remapped clips in Premiere.3 R. @0 R4 k4 S4 {, S1 P8 N
- Vector Blur Dissolve - Streaks visible on video that has alpha transparency.
4 }4 K& `( {% x/ ]' ?- Revise parameter defaults for several transitions.& y& @0 e8 M/ F3 i: b
- Sporadic instability when loading animated presets in the FX Browser.  E6 b& d  I  U0 G
- FX Browser - sporadic instability in Mac AE when closing the browser or switching from AE to other apps and then back again while the browser is open.1 c& y$ _% d" G( ~  m( k( B
- Extruded Text - Hitting Apply in the text edit window causes other apps to jump in front of AE.) a& q9 K0 N6 ]6 n1 a! D
- Extruded Text - Refresh issue when launching the text window with fragments of the window bar being drawn in the wrong place and then not refreshing.
* Y" ^. m9 f: v, O/ F/ }, L5 u1 y( a- Cuda driver errors are displayed on some ATI systems which had previously installed NVIDIA cards.
" s! g; ]1 F; k) u1 |- FX Browser - Saving Workspace does not allow overwriting of an existing one.
9 l( Z% A' Y5 N( C5 \, F# o- FX Browser - Workspaces save number does not automatically advance beyond 2 on windows.2 V0 Q7 u1 y0 O
- FX Browser - Open folders are not always saved and restored.
5 k5 g# v- M+ ^' x- 3D Objects filters will incorrectly cache the first layer assigned as texture/bump map, even if that layer has been deleted and another assigned.
  s: J4 X. C0 Q5 b9 h8 n) x- Sporadic instability with 3D Objects filters on windows, especially in Premiere on Windows 8.) z& U8 X% N; i. _" f& g( ?
- Laser Beam - Motion Blur does not work in Premiere.' n6 [) ^; M( }5 t; V5 |
- Damaged TV - Triangle and Saw edge shapes don’t animate.% B' a9 ?" ?% `$ E
- Grunge - 4K displacement map doesn’t work when 4K media is selected as the layer.
6 M4 {; J1 F/ b1 a& ?, c- Grunge - With 'use texture' turned off, displacement map uses source layer as map even when map is set to texture.
  \' h7 V0 M7 q: B7 B* m' S* d& O* U% r- Grunge - Glow in 4K media gets bigger when dropping resolution.: c$ h3 i' F3 O" i2 ]
- Lens Flare 3D - Instability in AE when applying to alpha media and selecting images smaller than comp sized as background.
, C4 [4 N# `9 Q- Grunge - Opacity parameter incorrectly adjusting scratches.
0 p7 j! }  ^, H+ j- Vignette - When dropping resolution to third or quarter, the blur shifts unexpectedly./ g- T- N% K1 e+ X9 c
- Damaged TV Dissolve - Interference shows random gaps in interference on side edge of screen.
2 a0 C; P: m& Y% w# v5 m" a/ w- Preset library - Remove outdated presets in some filters which distract from browsing the more important entries.
: r8 h' i9 k8 Q, c+ S- Several Jitter presets contain incorrect default Y offsets.
2 a% E: `, l0 e" }2 N# s- Sphere Transition - Uses wrong folder for default preset location.
# {) P5 |1 |  Y; ]/ N
- h4 `& z& Y! _$ z1 n& G" Q. ~
4 C3 K8 ?9 V* j1 ]5 [4 [7 Q; y+ Z/ P4 Z" O

, D: P1 A  V0 p: `: a; R, }/ ~8 {  J) ]1 e: w& M, x' D
/ j- I! N. C' e' H: }BCCAE900aWin_CS5_CS6_CC.exe
5 W1 H) d4 X9 a9 ?# ~5 B$ d6 yBCCAE901Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe
% s. {4 E( t6 L% }2 {2 cBCCAE902Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg" F6 d2 p' _; I  K
BCCAE902Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe+ N  q( h8 L" N/ ~: g, r5 L4 t
BCCAE903Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe% m8 }0 w; U( W& a# I. x5 q% Z
BCCAE9Mac_CS5_CS6_CC_Units.dmg% L5 v  M! f  {. ~& V
BCCAE9Win_CS5_CS6_CC_Units.exe$ Z2 ^/ w; O& ~8 z* a5 Q& s/ \
+ e, G& o% u) I" ?& N# @
3 V5 z4 N- z/ S$ [5 A7 D) qBCCOFX902_64Bit_Sony.exe0 B! I$ D! }3 s: A8 Z' a# G
$ M+ E6 I8 |9 F( h. x) d# Q% v1 e# m% T! [. A. Y
6 v% z& b/ b6 v2 m6 _BCCAVX902aWin64Bit.exe. z0 h& Z( Y! N+ K

1 Q% r4 p* a7 h( T2 n* ~http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE900aWin_CS5_CS6_CC.exe: N' H' I( ^# l* G
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE9Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg9 u' v1 M6 u+ f) K2 T2 o! O( U) c# y
5 w$ J' p- X# Q; B6 i& `2 h9 Ihttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE901Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg
8 }( y" |  X" Ihttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE901cWin_CS5_CS6_CC.exe) {. H1 y( y. v
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE901bMac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg8 D$ k0 V, i9 w
* b1 ^& \6 N# g$ t: L  k9 hhttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE902Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg+ W4 j6 L% w3 e% H- ~8 N1 x' _
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE9Win_CS5_CS6_CC_Units.exe, w' f$ |( w) B! C0 k' w
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE9Mac_CS5_CS6_CC_Units.dmg" f6 V) C- N* ^! W
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE903Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg/ e5 I' S! X) y% [8 _/ {
4 ]/ i! |) X& V! M% Y( Z: i3 T5 ehttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE903aWin_CS5_CS6_CC.exe. P# x% J& Y& o! u% l
  o2 J& i0 j- x8 [6 U. a. fhttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE905Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg; L" ?+ P! E1 @( K3 |# J3 x
5 u* H& c: c' Ehttps://cdn.borisfx.com/borisfx/store/BCCAE905Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe; A# g0 o" u5 G, e) U5 J

6 i% [0 u/ D' chttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCC902d_Sony_64Bit_Units.exe
5 a# s$ c. n5 j3 g$ Q! D; Lhttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCOFX90c_64Bit_Sony.exe
3 u6 X0 ]/ U" L  Y! m4 @' G2 Phttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCOFX90a_64Bit_Sony.exe
7 p: \/ |- j; ^0 Khttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCOFX902_64Bit_Sony.exe. W" u2 q& Q  c& Z7 m, i2 H$ |
/ `2 O4 m2 t% c2 a6 u, rhttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCOFX903aMac.dmg
/ ]0 e6 Z$ S; v9 _( y) B- Ahttp://cdn.borisfx.com/borisfx/store/BCC903b_OFX_Resolve_Units.exe
4 f/ M) ~( l1 B/ xhttp://cdn.borisfx.com/borisfx/store/BCC902e_Sony_64Bit_Units.exe- ?  d7 H4 |/ s, @" o: k
http://cdn.borisfx.com/borisfx/store/BCCOFX903aMac_Units.dmg" N9 v; b6 M0 o$ c5 w- a
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# W9 ^5 a2 f4 I" _5 F# Xhttp://cdn.borisfx.com/borisfx/store/BCCOFX902_64Bit_Sony.exe
* ?7 M: n9 D! B8 B& I. R7 P& i9 U. v/ ?8 O
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http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX901Win64Bit.exe% N9 X' q4 h; {$ Q7 V
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX902aWin64Bit.exe/ ~: @' e4 R8 M, B4 W* [! f. f
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX900aWin64Bit.exe* a) \9 n+ G7 w# f1 P
$ n, B0 p6 ~$ Jhttp://cdn.borisfx.com/borisfx/store/BCCAVX905Win64Bit.exe% z8 V1 p5 N4 E


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