

[Photoship] HDRsoft Photomatix Pro 2.5.4

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Program Name: Photomatix Pro 2.5.4
5 `0 q9 t7 g( X$ AProgram Type: Photo
; c. h, X9 B7 S9 k% s/ ADeveloper: HDRsoft
' d% E+ M+ E& E! z1 MHomepage: www.hdrsoft.com
/ }; P2 R: {! w+ O) v+ v7 \6 lRelease Date: Nov,2007
+ k% q4 `: c( r1 V1 h% AInterface Language: English
1 z1 ^9 _: K' J( z( {/ Y3 B3 ]Platform: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista : f6 q6 H8 ]! p  _% N
File Size: 4.97Mb 7 ~% w0 \7 }/ c3 j
6 k$ ]/ o* H. Q8 ~
Photomatix Pro - Increase the dynamic range of your photographs. If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows. Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem: Exposure Blending: Merge differently exposed photographs into one image with increased dynamic range. Tone Mapping: Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created from multiple exposures. The tone mapped image is ready for printing while showing the complete dynamic range captured.
' c! R; i+ u7 J) z8 i& H* u# B
! L2 G+ t8 m  z0 y6 VSaving on lighting equipment2 z! E/ @2 M, p3 [( P( A  h
Given that most digital cameras can auto-bracket at different exposures, you do not need to acquire expensive lighting equipment -and carry it- when shooting high contrast scenes. Just enable Auto Exposure Bracketing, and let Photomatix merge your photos into an image with extended dynamic range.6 H. z, H/ A" W% @
4 g3 C+ v: k! k) O
Saving time in post-processing
, J: ]+ u' {+ w, M) ?% _Photomatix Pro is designed for productivity -- automatic blending, unlimited stacking, easy comparison of results and batch processing save hours of masking and layers work in image editing programs.
& Y5 b5 R; K; C
( n. p% c+ _6 eTaking advantage of your 32-bit images
9 [  ~, J; J( C+ U, z$ K) r2 DHave you created a 32-bit HDR image in Photoshop CS2 and could not get a good HDR conversion? The Photomatix Tone Mapping tool may help. See how it compares to Photoshop CS2 HDR conversion.6 E7 T( C  C# |& G: @; J) C! p

+ g! K; K$ P6 e0 L! HGreat pictures on cloudy days5 D4 \( f* f: ?6 p$ z
Shadowless hazy sunlight or an overcast sky usually results in dull-looking photographs. The tone mapping tool of Photomatix Pro can turn them into great-looking images. Check this image as example.
! W; v: v, J; `% \$ t* r; b9 X  F3 C& }3 n7 i) U
Noise reduction% {2 Z! w4 f# D" m  e8 F
The Exposure Blending functions of Photomatix Pro merge any number of bracketed photos -- this process is equivalent to image stacking, which tends to reduce noise in the resulting image.$ R" {; W% r5 e
: H( R4 D) V0 l! p8 L9 C
Well exposed panoramas
$ [' W" L0 S. fA panoramic scene is almost always a high contrast scene -- you can't limit your view to areas with the same brightness when shooting a 360° panorama. By taking views under several exposures and processing them in Photomatix Pro, you can create a panorama that will show details in both the dark and bright areas of the scene.5 F' b; G& `3 o$ L4 W: ^
( ~$ }4 M/ K; Y* h2 R- V- s
Photomatix Pro is a stand-alone program that runs on Mac OS X and Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista. The Tone Mapping tool is also available separately as a plugin compatible with Photoshop CS2.$ h: ]+ M! D/ n, m; \& f; l
$ V" D. j* K% T1 Z
Updated in v2.5.4( A+ w: z* Y* T5 s( p; k
Added support for Raw files of new camera models, such as the Nikon D300 and Sony A-700, for instance.$ y7 M! S$ ]1 J. p

6 u7 n5 m1 Q; }9 WUpdated in v2.5.3, f& ~( s! A* X2 K, q3 ^
Added support for Raw files from the Canon 40D.
& W( d; W" _% A% C" _8 }2 t" y  fBug fixed: tone mapped images after generating HDR from RAW files should now open fine in Photoshop Elements Organizer.% D; C4 K6 b9 S' {% ?2 a$ G
" V/ u0 ~6 @1 |9 G1 {$ e# O
Updated in v2.5.2$ I. g+ N; c  Z2 t* b0 f
Bug fixed: dark spots on the final image tone mapped with Details Enhancer that happened with a few images since version 2.5 should not happen anymore.& A( h, Q, i2 T. z, j( d! f
Bug fixed: Tone Compressor Settings window called from Batch Processing or Single File Conversion should now correctly take into account the Temperature and Saturation settings.
$ l" s0 Z% x7 Z5 R4 g+ {: c' e: N5 e$ C( Y
Updated in v2.5.12 S& f: n/ L5 X; ~) t" M+ J
Bug fixed: incorrect 16-bit output when using Details Enhancer with HDR image files including invalid zero values (e.g. Radiance files produced by PTGui Pro) should not happen anymore.( ^( ?- ^6 J/ x( b5 @
Bug fixed: When saving a tone mapped image in TIFF format, the new tone mapping settings embedded as XMP metadata should now include the settings introduced in version 2.5.  ?( F4 f0 K% k$ O8 t

2 t. H1 K+ g& u8 k! JUpdated in v2.5
/ J4 L% E  q  i* ?% OSix new settings for tone mapping method Details Enhancer: Color Temperature, Saturation Highlights, Saturation Shadows, Highlights Smoothing, Shadows Smoothing and Shadows Clipping. Additionally, the setting Light Smoothing has been changed from a slider to radio buttons (in order to make it clear it can not take intermediate values) and the setting Microcontrast varies differently: the maximum value of +2 in previous versions is now the same as a value of 0 in version 2.5.
1 A% a2 \- Z/ V* X1 f9 x5 OTwo new settings for tone mapping method Tone Compressor: Color Temperature and Color Saturation.
) j# N. y0 Q3 V1 n) w- P) WInformation such as Camera model, DateTime original, Aperture, ISO and focal length passed through to resulting images saved as JPEG. Additionally, the information is also passed through to tone mapped images coming from an HDR image file in Radiance (.hdr) format that has been created with Photomatix Pro version 2.4.1 or higher.4 ?' A  i# D* S0 J$ k  V
Camera model and DateTime Original added to the information passed through to resulting images saved as TIFF.0 z/ f$ y: G: l; F" g3 L) b2 @- M
Resize function available for 32-bit HDR images.: r+ h8 [) i1 R; |+ g; y
Updated RAW conversion code to support recent camera model such as the 1D MKIII.* Z% X0 M! ~# V" N! g* Q
Faster processing time and less memory usage for tone mapping method Tone Compressor.
4 K$ ]2 `: e& Z/ L- h: XTone Mapping preview now refreshes when the "360 image" option is selected.0 }  p$ g. b; d& h2 @, h4 f
Tone mapping method Tone Compressor can now be used with "Large File Processing".2 T7 m  S% ]$ q. L8 A2 T" r
Ability to batch tone map hdr image files using the Tone Compressor method with Single File Conversion.$ M- [4 a5 Z  j) G1 `) E5 N
Added -wb argument option to the command line version to specify temperature for white balance adjustments when converting RAW files to create an HDR image using PhotomatixCL.exe. Example of use is: -wb 7500! Q/ W/ O3 {8 A6 h) r: r
Bug fixed: HDR images created from RAW files and saved as Radiance (.hdr) should now open correctly in Photoshop CS2/CS3.
% Z/ [' B3 W5 r3 |; b3 r1 DBug fixed: TIFF files produced by Photomatix should now open fine in Paint Shop Pro, Picture Windows and Qimage.. `+ B3 [9 v' f+ ~8 w, u
Bug fixed: Batch Processing should not stop on the 36th set anymore when processing RAW files.
2 `2 f$ o6 T" [Bug fixed: Processing RAW files from the D1X should not crash the application anymore.6 s/ b0 a' u. y5 f5 s0 K, i' r
Bug fixed: Conversion from Olympus E-400 RAW files should not produce incorrect pattern anymore./ d3 {( G4 I+ R# ~
Bug fixed: Processing copies of the same RAW files should now work as expected.! f5 V0 ^0 ^' J: @1 ~  \! c2 b
! M' X7 a; D! m+ p) E
Updated in v2.4.1' _# x9 U" J0 C# q9 u) D
Added option to default the file format to TIFF when saving an 8-bit image.
* i  o4 d( A1 k4 K3 }When HDR image is saved in the Radiance (.hdr) format, some Exif information of the source images such as the camera model, Aperture or focal length is provided in the header of the file.
4 q) X) {) F# ^& t- J3 w3 X! A; FWhen exposure information has not been found in source images -or one or more images have the same exposure information-, ranking of images based on the estimated Exposure Values in now more accurate.
2 \5 ~2 }1 E8 T& vGamma slider for Details Enhancer has been extended to take values up to 0.35 (previously the maximum on the left was 0.5).% }/ L- {0 k3 b" Y( M' X, A' o
Changed the creation of resulting subfolders in Batch Processing and Single File Conversion so that it does not rely on Microsoft Scripting anymore. (Microsoft Scripting is still required when the "process subfolders" option is selected).+ Y' w# h- `4 f: G: g* G
Bug fixed: Generate HDR using images having the same exposure values should not crash anymore.$ ?9 J( z7 _1 @$ |. h
Bug fixed: when misregistration is only due to translation shifts, automatic alignment (option "Align images") should now work in the special cases where it used to fail.
9 r! _) a( Z# k, K/ G: OBug fixed: Crash at the end of Large File Processing on some computers running Windows Vista and non-clean exit on WIndow XP should not happen anymore.
5 T# R3 S0 r9 L$ V# XBug fixed: preview for white balance adjustment when RAW file is in portrait mode should now show correctly.# E2 P0 @, g; n! S) M" n
Bug fixed: Text box of semi-manual alignment on Windows Vista should not show black anymore.( {: [3 |% c) K

8 J& @) I' Q7 D8 k* Z( Z2 W4 rUpdated in v2.4$ ]: F0 p; R0 F2 T9 |) |
Option for reducing ghosting artifacts in generated HDR image. There is a separate option depending on whether the ghosts are caused by moving objects/people or periodic movements such as rippling water .
( A% h) j/ w4 }4 a- ~2 ^" BSlider to adjust Gamma setting when Tone Mapping with Details Enhancer.
( h' K% ?" o/ bColor managed display. This means that the colors of an image tagged with a color profile now show correctly in Photomatix.$ R' m' k5 t% q5 V0 S" `
Undo and Redo of the last settings done on Tone Mapping window.& J: t5 d! ~; _( I- |1 j
Focal length of the source images as well as exposure information that did not change (usually Aperture and ISO) are passed through to the tone mapped or combined results when saved in TIFF format.
- ?: G  F" o$ t' vOptions for naming of output files of Batch Processing.
; `2 c5 W! G  n( ^8 k7 VAbility to adjust the white balance and output color space when creating an HDR image from differently exposed RAWs from HDR->Generate.
  [* J6 l0 r1 w  T0 v" ^$ {Updated RAW conversion to include recent camera models such as the Pentax 10D for instance.
! h- v1 F3 J* ]! t" ?' jSticky settings for Batch Processing (applicable to the general settings for running the batch, and not to the HDR or Tone Mapping settings used with Batch Processing).
6 p4 s: S( G6 p. \8 `$ c7 c" KTone Mapping settings are embedded as XMP metadata when tone mapped image is saved as TIFF file. The settings can then be viewed in Photoshop by clicking on File->Info->Advanced.5 j% z- t1 o6 ~# O  v) g* {. v
Ability to set in Preferences the default White Balance used for RAW conversion.
' w! a0 ~5 d" `Added thumbnail preview of images listed on file list of source folder of Batch Processing.
7 ]8 G& R* _$ P% @# O, S& OOption in Batch Processing to leave the aligned results uncropped.9 y* f! j0 g6 ]! k( a' Z( c  I
Changed the calculation for the option "Attempt to reverse-engineer tone curve applied" of Generate HDR, and made it available with images in 16 bits/channel mode as well.
  J  @4 h* B/ a. Q) D; V9 aAdded "Cancel" button to save dialog when images is closed without having been saved.
' I) m, Y! E: a! ^Thumbnail preview on Open dialog now also shows for RAW files.
& c5 `' m+ P' m9 g( k- ZOption "rocess subfolders" of Batch Processing now saved under the parent folder. This has for additional effect to fix the bug of resulting files being rewritten when the "Short Name" option is selected together with a custom destination folder and "rocess subfolders".; U+ Z7 J# N# b0 U" V
Bug fixed: Scrolling an image to the far left or down should now stop at the end of the image.2 M% q* }- j9 i7 N, f
Bug fixed: "As Shot" White Balance should now be closer to the expected behavior.
& O/ v( C4 ~' `) g$ ^1 F) V2 A. MBug fixed: Low values for the White or Black Clip settings should now be saved correctly in XMP files and as sticky settings
% m3 W: i$ E+ a3 \Bug fixed: When viewing a tone mapped image a 100% resolution (F9 key), the scrollable window containing the image should not change its size anymore.
( P( b7 C7 I6 V. ^) y, [Bug fixed: When source images are TIFF files, the exposure information in the EXIF data should now be read correctly.
1 i& }5 N' A- y8 a; l4 x! y6 RBug fixed: When default output bit-depth for tone mapping has been set to 16, Batch Processing should now systematically produce tone mapped image in 16-bit without having to validate the tone mapping settings.9 \( Z6 S  E% P/ N* o4 P
Bug fixed: HDR images generated from differently exposed RAWs using HDR->Generate should now take into account the selected output color space.1 w/ b6 T7 u. N2 D0 D
Bug fixed: HDR images processed with the option "Strip processing" in Batch Processing should not show seams between the strips anymore.
: [# o" ~. Y8 `5 DBug fixed: Option "Strip processing" of Batch Processing should not report an error message anymore when the process successfully completed.4 o1 M2 L  P  Z( D! w; T
Bug fixed: Shutter speed information in EXIF data should now be read properly from TIF files.
* d* {3 z- u# x. ^% L6 IBug fixed: opening greyscale JPEG images should not crash the application anymore.9 a/ H  e* G# [1 `+ n
Bug fixed: When converting a TIFF file with as extension ".tiff" to HDR with Single File Conversion, the extension of the resulting HDR image should now be correct.
2 p0 d# z, |9 w+ M: g0 W6 jBug fixed: icon for the program shortcut in Windows start menu->rograms->hotomatix should now show.# c# i  s1 E, Z) O
Bug fixed: Light Smoothing and microcontrast settings in Large File Processing should now be passed correctly.
% M0 Z: I2 ~3 G1 n- m) d3 L4 SBug fixed: Changing settings of the Tone Mapping preview should not reverse a maximized window to "Restore Down" anymore., f5 b* ?' f' L, m/ O' C
Cosmetic: Changed naming of two items on the View menu -- "Zoom to 100%" is now "Default Size" and "Fit to screen" is now "Full Size".
9 I- {9 L. W7 B! YCosmetic: Made tab indexing of the Tone Mapping window consistent with the layout.
" H$ t! L4 z  t4 e( |1 U+ J9 ], E, _2 q- J. w4 u. [# P: c
Updated in v2.3.36 [. f4 ^1 M- f: B7 O
Bug fixed: TIFF file compressed with LZW or produced by Autopano should now be opened correctly. Bug had been introduced in v2.3.2.$ Y! @: N4 V. X& e( b8 k
Bug fixed: Kodak RAW files ("dcr" and "kcr" extensions) should now be recognized as RAW files and processed.
! n2 m4 }5 A& T+ K% P" @Bug fixed: Fuji S20 and S2Pro RAW files should now be processed correctly.
7 G3 }9 F6 a/ M2 D1 X$ _Cosmetic: Slightly increased the height of the sliders on Tone Mapping window and set to 1 the increment when clicking the slider outside the cursor, except for Strength and Saturation where it is 5.
2 G2 a3 U( n4 |9 @. a. `0 c) {5 e  h! C; U( z6 H
Updated in v2.3.2
  Q2 P7 z; S  Z: M" L4 H3 gAdded option in Batch Processing to process source image one strip at a time to avoid memory limitation when generating HDR images from large 16-bit files (this option makes Batch Processing call the command line program PhotomatixCL)." t9 y0 S3 g/ m" p
Ability to have Photomatix opens an image file after right-clicking the file in Windows Explorer and choosing Photomatix Pro to open it.
0 [6 X/ H+ ?% E. D$ L, rDrag-and-drop of a single RAW file which will be converted into a "pseudo" HDR image.* q4 k$ j7 N" d& `1 [! T0 t
Made it possible to load RAW files with TIF extensions (Canon 1Ds and Phase One P45) as raws. Behaviour can be changed in Default Settings.  c* @. W( [/ n( i. H
Updated raw conversion process to support recent camera models* m* K( ~7 d* a
Bug fixed: Processing linear TIFFs to HDR with Single File Conversion is now available again (had been mistakenly removed in v2.3.1).
' F) d; \/ \. e5 `5 Y* SBug fixed: "Align images" option with source images having a large difference in brightness values and non-uniform histograms should not fail anymore.
- l! M( O! ]0 X' hBug fixed: Batch Processing should now avoid loading the source images when they are RAWs and the "Generate HDR" option had not been selected.) C, H! T  ^, G6 `1 P, f
Bug fixed: "SR2" and "ARW" extensions for Sony RAWs should now be recognized as valid RAW files.
1 ~0 F! p5 u$ d$ }2 i  w- \$ VCosmetic: Note is shown on window for setting the alignment and curve option of Generate HDR in the case when the source images are RAW files.6 F: A7 G5 U/ F6 \7 M; }' Q

  D+ I/ n  X1 L1 J4 o* r' ^Updated in v2.3.1
0 W2 d- c8 }) b1 k$ |" gAbility to open a RAW file (from File->Open), converting it into an HDR image on the fly.- x- W4 ~- [. E, }8 o" b6 ?
Added command line version of Photomatix Pro (PhotomatixCL.exe).; m0 t! m1 W6 a1 w* n% G
Support for RAW files when creating HDR image from menu HDR->Generate.4 g  Q( ?8 ^: [: D
Added support for RAW files when converting from LDR to HDR on "Single File Conversion" function.& ^* H5 S. W" k2 q
Bug fixed: Crash with "Combine->H&S Adjust" when option "Align images" is selected should not happen anymore.
5 x& ]5 ^# ~$ Y4 s/ aBug fixed: "360 image" option of "Details Enhancer" when Light Smoothing is set to +1 or +2 should now work correctly.
- [3 t& I' r' O* T8 y$ OBug fixed: Crash when running Batch Processing with Fuji RAW files in portrait mode shoul not happen anymore.* A$ @9 l% ~: Y2 }4 A; ]& N
Bug fixed: Setting "White Clipping" after clicking on settings for "Details Enhancer in Batch Processing is now initialized to 0.25 instead of 5.0.! j1 N" v; U! M' W4 {2 X' ^5 @
Bug fixed: TIFF files with the extension "tiff" and JPEG files with the extension "jpe" are now accepted on the Open Panel.5 A$ P# l2 \+ E/ G1 z; T" D
$ S  N. d' r! y3 O+ k+ X
Updated in v2.3
7 M& Z" r9 n- \4 c# i+ hAddition of a new tone mapping method based on a global operator (this means the new method does not enhance local contrast, but on the other hand avoids issues of noise and halos).
& |& \" _5 e( }3 b: U) V0 G" @Sticky values for the settings of the Tone Mapping window.' |, ]0 A; M3 @: y, ]
Ability to zoom the tone mapped preview to get a 100% crop.
6 y8 {  M* Q& I  oAdded "Large File Processing" function which enables to tone map large file while benefiting from a preview.4 |" {. N3 u* }* }/ v- F  X$ L! _" N
Default file name of generated HDR image is created based on the filenames of the source images (or the first source image when there are more than 7 of them, or when no common root is detected)." L( ^; q% |6 N- U: |# l
The option for processing subfolders with Batch Processing does not attempt to process images in the parent folder anymore.
6 N) k3 C# I/ h% p# fAdded support for .psd files in Batch Processing and "Generate HDR" function from menu HDRI.
4 ?$ F1 ?# T  b/ O) ^  D( HAbility to view the complete filename as tool tip on the file list of Single File Conversion and Batch Processing. Option to set the format of tone mapped files to 8-bit TIFF in Single File Conversion.
" m+ O' [& Q& U, f' bColor Saturation setting for Tone Mapping can now vary from 0 to 100% (previously limited to a minimum of 20%).+ {5 b+ m7 K/ ?/ P7 Y" {3 v
Removing control points on the semi-manual alignment has now a tolerance of 10 pixels instead of 2 to make it easier to select the point to remove.
" t( [* p6 G6 _3 }6 _Increment to a higher value added to Light Smoothing setting: it can now be set to the value +2 (i.e. "Very High").
- j; H3 e3 ^& aColor Temperature for generating HDR image from RAW files is now defaulted to "As Shot" instead of "Daylight".0 u! |" R2 b1 N3 C
Added back ability to remove HDR image file after tone mapping in Batch Processing.1 x' x# x$ `  P  ~4 v3 \) a& a
When changing source folder in Batch Processing, the number of images stays now the same as selected before instead of changing back to 3 images.5 v5 c; e, |5 l) G
The settings Light Smoothing and Microcontrast Level are now in the form of a slider rather than a pull-down menu.
$ E: m' s, _3 z3 ?, Z! SWhen the application window has been maximized, it now remains so the next time Photomatix is launched., q* P. c- Z) L2 V  H" P- J6 u
Added option to select even numbers of differently exposed images in Batch Processing.
- P. P$ z, G- u4 H4 T9 @; fBug fixed: Modification of the tone mapping algorithm to address the problem of almost completely black results, or results with black borders, or white corners.: ?7 ]  u, C1 u! R( A0 }5 z. |
Bug fixed: preview for color temperature of RAW files in portrait mode is now displayed correctly.
! C, ~* ]6 ]) s# T, n! |1 @Bug Fixed: Out-of-memory crash when using "H&S - Adjust" from the Combine menu with 16-bit files should not happen anymore.) R( T" S8 t8 U  v5 d/ _0 i5 f& E
Bug Fixed: Error when generating HDR image from photos with same exposure should not happen anymore.
4 Q3 G$ e1 g3 W* n: K. r, V4 eBug Fixed: Exposure information is now considered not found (i.e. will be estimated with Batch Processing and will have to be entered manually with Generate HDR function) when the shutter speed information retrieved from EXIF data is the same for at least two of the source images.5 n+ {' O8 u0 J
Bug Fixed: The Default Options dialog box is now a modal window. It can not be left without clicking OK or Cancel, which avoids error messages when clicking the main application menu while the dialog box is open.
7 r# N$ E5 K3 o8 U! t- {. c) y- U
; n2 \8 N1 W4 Z7 A7 z- a4 NUpdated in v2.2.4( i; f# l) B% C' \9 @9 o! D- q
New Tone Mapping setting that smoothes out microcontrast enhancements. This has for effect of reducing Low Magnitude Noise (noise in the sky for instance).$ w4 v$ w. l2 L
Option for removing HDR image after Tone Mapping in Batch Processing.( X) N4 l2 N) y8 c! U
Algorithm of "Generate HDR" has been improved. Improvements include a better handling of noisy LDR source images for instance.5 {5 D, q- `2 m0 ]+ v0 k! _7 ?3 A
HDR image created contains absolute values when exposure information (Shutter, Aperture and ISO) is available in source images.
5 z0 K7 ~( j. ?& i6 d% GBug fixed: Combining 16-bit images with "H&S Adjust" should now correctly take into account the Blending Point setting.% b5 `" l3 X0 C( z) s, g& q8 w
Bug fixed: output bit-depth default is not reset anymore when OK clicked on Default Options without changes to output bit-depth.
3 z3 |" q5 {3 [2 ^0 \Bug fixed: When the width or height are not a multiple of 4, rotation function should now work correctly
5 Z9 s4 v: W, U% ]- ^  u( Z: YBug fixed: When image is 16-bit, brightness value in "Brightness & Contrast" should now be correctly taken into account.4 X. G1 W/ P6 C9 d
$ k9 j' s: ]5 {5 D  {2 a! m) o! f
Updated in v2.2.3" s8 k% D9 f8 C1 w5 N5 L
New application icon.' V, n  Q& ~0 r8 h7 Q, U
Function for zooming directly to 100% and for "Fit to screen".- Z& U7 M" \. D! x6 U% [% M- h
Maximum preview size option for Tone Mapping increased to 1024.
; Z( o( T) v( S2 [, JAbility to save the settings after having tone mapped the whole image.
6 O$ @+ g5 F$ p' P) j" r0 XBug fixed: Batch Processing now outputs TIFF tone mapped files when TIFF format selected, even if output bit-depth is set to 8-bit.
$ r5 o) A# z9 \* _, t5 [Bug fixed: incorrect readings of White and Black clips settings from XMP files for values lower than 0.06%8 x" s$ e7 @- {( ]
Bug fixed: crash while changing preview size after having maximized Tone Mapping preview
" r7 h$ K* n9 q% E( lBug fixed: problem on computer using Unicode file naming (e.g. Chinese OS) when loading more than one image at a time from the Open panel
/ T6 E$ I4 q  r1 s$ zBug fixed: crash when aligning more than 3 images with same brightness level.. J8 ?* F) g: g0 N+ j+ y
" m; n- y9 g* L& W6 v
Updated in v2.2.2
" F( K1 I+ J/ J/ R) w. U4 u3 k* GRAW support of new camera models.
" s  Y$ J( x$ I1 Z$ cMore gradual effect when varying setting Microcontrast of Tone Mapping.
/ d3 v( w% @6 W# dBug fixed: Completely blank tone mapped output should not happen anymore.
  Z, ~5 [2 o; lBug fixed: Tone Mapping using "Single File Conversion" now also works when file path includes spaces.
' U7 u+ R' V! ?+ T9 x6 |5 w+ i$ ~1 o' Z1 H
Main addition to v2.2$ e7 C# g) y5 Z& o& K' @
Generation of HDR images from differently exposed RAWs of most digital cameras (in batch mode). White Balance and output color space settings can be adjusted.1 R4 @0 x" Y- v  E
Ability to save the settings used for Tone Mapping in XMP files. Settings can then be loaded for tone mapping, both from the interface and in batch mode.3 _6 h7 D) r* a5 k
Option to enlarge the preview of the Tone Mapping. The preview size can be set in the defaults.
6 l1 P" w! a+ A1 jAbility to drag-and-drop image files from Windows Explorer.
5 v9 ]" S! l) p! @+ ?6 Z$ D# PReduced memory needed to perform tone mapping by about 40% in batch mode and 20% from the interface.
" o$ i4 @* S8 _+ oSmoothing setting for the Tone Mapping can now take a higher value, which often gives a more "natural" look to the tone mapped result. (Note: The meaning of the values has been changed. A value "Medium" corresponds to what used to be "High" in v2.1, and a value of "Very Low" to what used to be "Low").
) r6 M1 r) q& z3 X2 H4 j) [8 @' k
9 @& S/ L: s! _2 r! U% xUpdated in v2.1
. I( Q, U8 k, q8 ]7 `5 S; s, oFaster and more robust automatic alignment tool. Now available as option when running any image combination and in the batch processing as well. (The "old" alignment tools are still available for cases when rotation is involved.)
, a6 E. I4 \- c  E' }( AColor profile of input images is embedded into the resulting image produced by Photomatix.- r- {2 f# o) @: J& `: M3 B
Ability to set the EV spacing when generating an HDR image via the batch processing.; Q+ o2 r) [, a( q
Tone Mapping settings now available in the batch processing.
- `; e3 R, M& \HDR viewer shows the RGB values: f2 Y1 G4 C' M
Batch conversion for processing single files (as opposed to bracketed images with the Batch processing). It converts HDR images into tone mapped jpegs or tiffs. It also converts single RAW files into HDR images.
7 b3 C) Y: O; g2 c8 S! _Option for a short version of the file name under which result of batch processing are saved.
' s, C+ c4 W. c9 x; f, w  AAddition of an HDR Histogram adpated to HDR images. It diplays the frequency of the logarithm base 2 of the HDR values and shows the relative EV.
* p( i: f' I6 ~Modification of the way the dynamic range is calculated. Now takes the percentiles 0.2 and 99.95 instead of the absolute minimum and maximum./ d; M4 Q' O6 O5 P/ n# c, `
Bug fixed: Generating an HDR image from the interface now works OK with large files* t6 d& v0 i7 h( x* o4 t* S; O
Bug fixed: Grayscale images are now processed correctly
; ?5 h- t# f4 ~7 c0 b: XBug fixed: Only files with processed formats show on the folder content of the Batch Processing panel
9 K& `# d% y. Z0 e/ R/ M" D& s, S) k
+ L  x  n$ O4 ~$ n5 W0 J3 gUpdated in v2.0.5
' N) p) O( f0 e- k$ {4 f3 kSlider that controls the strength of local contrast enhancement of the Tone Mapping
$ V& s% S! B0 v% pAbility to revert to the parameters set the last time the Tone Mapping ran
0 F' r9 H' v+ jOption "360o image" available when the tone mapped image is a 16-bit tiff
) N' @' {) @" V6 @9 G8 P/ ZMore settings for the Tone Mapping in the Batch processing
  r+ N. @9 M, j( F! H) cAbility to select just one set of input images from the source folder in the Batch processing
# c' i6 o: h1 z; S; Q
5 e2 n" U& [& K8 jUpdated in v2.0.4
# f. |! i  A! F6 @8 F3 p7 L8 tAbility to view HDRI at different exposures (+/- 1-fstop increments); }- J! w+ y" Z: c1 X/ F) ~6 A
Bug fixed: HDRIs generated from 48-bit linear images showed banding when saved in OpenEXR format. m% V$ P; P; Z3 ~
Bug fixed: could not open uncompressed Radiance RGBE files in some cases
2 h/ |; ~- n, z8 e5 `  d
( e, j1 h* b/ FUpdated in v2.0.3
; @" ?% P' x3 f+ u$ a! iRead/Write support for OpenEXR and Floating Point TIFF formats
2 e7 {: d$ j. Z0 x/ _3 bAbility to generate an HDR Image without having to open the LDR files (recommended to save memory and speed up processing times)
& H- G! _6 c" h' c. hUnwrap tool for remapping mirror ball HDRI to Latitude/Longitude format( S  t9 Q# A, f8 b$ X+ o3 @
Rotation tool for both LDR and HDR images
4 c  O! Q  f4 C& A- UCrop tool enabled for HDR images. F! E2 ?5 x7 e! u. j; n* @

- P2 C6 }  `8 f1 i( H2 A" cUpdated in v2.02 x* z: u; T9 m$ M
Main new additions
# a( E2 J: M' ~( yGeneration of a High Dynamic Range image (96-bit) from a sequence of 24- or 48-bit images8 n4 w5 A3 u. [- p" ^7 ]
Tone Mapping tool adapted to scenes with a particularly high dynamic range6 e1 \1 g% w) ~5 v
HDR viewer in the form of a pop-up window that shows the content of an HDR image! n3 R% a6 Y) Z9 R) @) a, U
Ability to set the radius of blending method "H&S Details - Adjust"5 T( e8 ], j, j4 C/ H: V% u& \
Exposure information shown on the "Image Property" panel( b7 |# }  c! d2 ^$ t) r# ?2 u; O
Batch processing of 48-bit TIFF files
1 `3 K6 A& m: h- KImproved interface for "H&S Details - Adjust": bigger preview and ability to swith between preview at low resolution and a partial preview at image resolution." S. M% |, D' t3 t
Read/Write support of 96-bit HDR image in the Radiance RGBE format
/ C8 L0 c1 N# N& ]- {! ]Reading of LZW compressed TIFF files enabled
# l8 O6 }2 R6 X& u; K/ d' B! {Bugs fixed' Z4 t7 k! s8 j, s/ S
Alignment tool was not enabled when processing 48-bit images
7 v& x; t# H# wSlider shifts for "H&S Details - Adjust" gave inconsistent results in some cases
. z1 W) N3 ]; _3 \* B7 m* A1 @! s+ CBrightness/Contrast produced incorrect results/ O! n5 ]6 W# b& K# X) b. S

4 q/ W! A7 K. @& P+ T( Y3 _$ s: Z. s& [2 N! }. O- e# X6 L2 i/ E
' S: s$ V2 k! Y5 ^0 [& P& M% C/ Y& `
$ C5 I' R- s4 s2 t; U
" b  `' u" n6 o  \  v. R) P
" b% k% O! |& |. ~- S5 a
  I  P) A% }( Q2 b# _& s
. {, b/ w2 }+ z/ Q* p4 {https://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro254.exe
4 M3 {& F( R. t, L9 x* Whttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro254.dmg
& a' ^4 ~3 B: p: g" fhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro253.exe
' c' T3 H6 U, @$ u. Shttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro253.dmg: P( L% y+ r9 f
4 h: y9 C2 R% E. a  ahttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro252.dmg: L$ D- s" j7 I8 |5 i
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" e5 F( n$ |  f. w/ mhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro25.exe
3 ^; Z5 S6 m: }2 b$ u5 y1 z7 Chttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro25.dmg
' w: x4 {% L! W0 o6 k+ G- Q3 Uhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro241.exe" N0 n* w9 J3 a" _- \
% s0 F3 g6 d, `https://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro24.exe7 h  I0 V+ |1 t- a
, @: ~, d) a) |, ^5 shttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro233.exe
6 ^- _! m- G7 g/ Ohttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro233.dmg& T) Y; _0 I9 Q
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https://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro23.exe) p6 c/ E, w+ D( m" V
& V. e; ~8 @6 y8 P% \2 ?! a# Phttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro224.exe
6 I: \5 A( C* ^! g; bhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro224.dmg  H: c& v* j6 N% i$ |4 {: X: q  q) I
https://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro223.exe" F9 ~7 u0 e" K( e# F0 J% L
3 M5 y0 K4 H8 R4 uhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro222.exe
/ O; U, R+ t/ K) C3 }% u# Thttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro222.dmg
! b9 O/ H' Q" H( ]- r4 n! B* jhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro221.exe8 G* q# l2 Z2 p+ h/ G: q) ~
' ?4 s# j3 J) `% S& a: r) Q1 zhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro22.exe. t3 I5 w3 J6 S" f
https://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro22.dmg4 \: O4 G% W7 ]8 _7 t: z
http://www.multimediaphoto.com/pm/PhotomatixPro212.dmg.bin; L# r& S. P# n% ~4 x
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* U% S4 f* v0 p+ Chttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro204.exe
% [" I; H4 m, ~3 \$ o7 M7 [9 \: O- G( Dhttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro204.dmg
4 J' `/ ^. w. C; Thttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro203.exe
8 J" _# u9 R' q9 }6 thttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro203.dmg
$ d; J  P: ~: m; ~4 l/ x8 ]6 Ehttps://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro20.exe
& r  e* j( l- o) d5 W+ h# \https://www.hdrsoft.com/pm/PhotomatixPro20.dmg- R3 D5 N/ G6 {1 B+ _% Q

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# A& N! Y8 r6 D' F! U! P


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