

[BorisFX] Boris Final Effects Complete 7 AE v7.0.21 Adobe

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Program Name: Boris Final Effects Complete 7 AE v7.0.21 Adobe5 t$ [# P! i9 w; G2 B
Program Type: AE Plug-in
' Y2 A$ `3 P, h4 x- h7 yRelease Date: August 8, 2013  O' `0 K, P- l3 t5 w! P2 Q
Homepage: www.borisfx.com/avid/fecae/
+ n6 E+ R- ~1 o2 L* `( `) I' {- KInterface Language: Multilingual$ Z! ?* f: D" s. E" P4 U5 g- q
Platform: Win64
4 z- M' D5 o4 I, S$ @7 VFile Size: 52 MB
7 N0 P( }5 A0 n4 v& @: }
8 t/ ^* s; t% j$ f0 pBoris FX Final Effects Complete 7 for Adobe, also known as Final Effects Complete 7 AE, is a collection of 120+ designer effects and transitions filters for After Effects and Premiere Pro CC, CS6, CS5.x, and CS4 (Mac and Windows). Boris has added several new transitions filters in FEC 7 but has also upgraded most of the existing filters. The filters are easy to use and allow you to quickly create unique, organic looks. Create 3D particle effects like Hair and Bubbles, auto-animating transitions such as Light Wipe, edge treatments such as Sparkle Edges, and much, much more. Choose from a selection of varied filters, including color correction and distortion filters.- P' I8 O. V, o8 [
Providing for a comprehensive workflow, FEC 7 also features sophisticated technologies such as a matting and masking tool, built-in motion tracking, on-screen overlay widgets, Beat Reactor for audio-driven effects creation, and Compare Mode to compare the filtered result with the unfiltered source in a side-by-side or split-screen view.  o0 H$ j/ P, }+ G3 K- x
* U5 R6 i2 F  `' q: m$ Y* @
New In Final Effects Complete 7
+ L7 L% y" g7 oFinal Effects Complete 7 for Adobe features 32-bit float support, integration with After Effects mask path controls, new Beat Reactor integration for Premiere Pro, and 10 new filters and transitions.
. G- `( ~+ q+ e& F. E4 r" u: Q9 a3 t$ |) l0 L- n: }: j
New Transitions4 }6 b7 l8 E, V, |+ R
Difference Wipe
+ a  h0 ?  X+ ?6 l5 e0 E& jGlow Dissolve
9 a' Q4 d0 F: ^/ ?) K# \Spiral Blur8 O) ~6 U, H: h# a
Threshold Dissolve
" x/ H4 H" \7 P6 Z4 G$ R  p/ d- TThreshold RGB Dissolve
/ Q6 y- k/ |' k& v5 M- `# k6 {& Y: P- G" {Toner Dissolve
/ \! @- i5 Z. I# a* O8 `1 s* RTurbulent Dissolve
. U& T; Y3 w+ u9 B' a* nVector Blur Dissolve
( y7 ?( P' d# `7 Y2 ?6 wWater Waves Dissolve
5 e7 D, B1 N5 T! r7 Z( U. o/ t
* g1 x3 s3 S  R- V  DAfter Effects Mask Path Integration  J3 \% }9 _  a  t3 ^+ Z4 z
FEC's Glue Gun, Mr. Mercury, Hair, Glass, and Ball Action are now able to follow After Effects mask paths, facilitating creation of "write-on"-style effects.
$ A" I7 O% g1 ~. p: B7 _5 \+ D. p5 X, W% E" Y
New Difference Blend Filter2 U" k3 F. o1 |% [9 J
Difference Blend is a new filter that replaces the pixels in the bottom layer of video with the corresponding pixels in the top layer of video, giving the appearance that the top image was painted over the bottom image.
# k9 h1 K" C: A" y: I
' e' C: o) @. t* i6 j% O5 JBeat Reactor Technology
" B& B% y. x! k/ oNow available for both After Effects and Premiere Pro, Beat Reactor allows you to easily generate audio-driven effects. It's built into the following filters: Directional Blur, Spiral Blur, Vector Blur, Color Offset, Threshold (RGB), Bender, Bend It, Bulge, Flo Motion, Lens, Split, Tiler, Power Ramp, Glow, Kaleida, Video Fragment
9 {# a) t- i) }/ D, ^9 ]$ l) Q
4 {) b- c5 S9 o& u! b$ ^$ R" k32-Bit Float Support! t1 w6 Q) j) m. k) K1 n5 p
32-Bit Float Precision Color Rendering is now supported, allowing for even smoother blurs, transitions, and other effects while providing a high-quality final image.
8 r1 O- b/ @# k$ b3 S# ZFull Filter List5 `; r' }, F6 K. t3 b) V/ [- X
Full list of filters included in Final Effects Complete 7 for Adobe:
! S# a# F& ~! T
3 l6 n. \  Y: S/ y1 p% W) g5 eBlur and Sharpen
6 d. ?$ I" D9 Q+ O5 e- Z! SBlur/ [6 S- v, M& g7 R6 |3 [/ @. L
Channel blur
0 W" \) M5 y! k# p9 c% ?( R; zChroma Luma/ ~, _% L- z' E9 q8 u; y6 J  _
Directional Blur
7 d+ ~+ ~: q) f) N1 \$ v% _Rectangular Scale Wipe
9 N0 _+ D6 @; w6 ySharpen' B5 }- P1 u( s. L& p! E: x
8 S+ ]+ ]# ^5 r6 vSpin Blur5 ~) I' m2 B+ {1 _# J9 ?
Spiral Blur
3 l# r, k0 q* i8 f. CUnsharp Mask3 g, a+ u0 R" H& h6 I
Vector Blur$ w/ c* e) B& z
Zoom Blur1 r) ~9 Q& L3 U- M

/ h5 y) r% t  P& t. CColor Correction2 g$ N% R- k0 z  Z/ Q# Z
Brightness Contrast
7 r" p# ^  P0 `Color Balance (HSL)) f7 U- J/ W3 s! K5 I3 E
Color Balance (RGB)
/ U. [, A$ u- w( k7 M+ ~2 D1 ZColor Offset. E7 k* K4 ?2 r# [& L! o+ f
Gamma Pedestal Gain- c  c) U$ N5 \1 K
Invert. R' V. n- ?- r! c2 b: G5 _
Replace Color
& W- V; w1 ~+ O7 W4 k# ]+ YThreshold (RGB)
8 a' {5 E. {$ YThreshold5 a  y$ {5 h4 }/ [+ V3 c
Tint# t1 X: i$ J; c& }
# O9 f3 n/ Q' x/ `7 x8 a$ s
, n0 J. H5 d! I+ [( W  sDistortion
8 U% l* _6 }; G/ R2 FBend It; ~9 @8 {$ ^; b5 l" c
Bender2 i) C( H( Z! E$ ~0 v
Bulge% h, b: X, _0 u  Z; ^( R& L
EZ Lazy Waves
* ~/ k9 V( t: tEZ Ripples
6 b9 |  t  Q  pFlo Motion
: e  ], n/ {$ {/ hGriddler
" \# k6 @1 _$ ~( ~! gLens
  ~7 M- G, x; B+ s& I5 d+ IPower Point5 R) `7 W) k* y3 o$ j
Ripple Pulse
1 F0 J, U6 Z! X+ i5 ISlant Matte
' G9 W5 u) x4 z! @# KSlant& }6 v3 \9 R4 S& t( r8 p
Slant Matte
$ Z% k4 q' c/ H. a- Q2 A) vSmear9 z8 r+ {/ p+ Q
, `4 B' |7 q) o* C% n1 S0 QSplit
+ @( y( N& \( k. ISplit 23 i# _; j* B1 o! \7 v: F
Tiler6 n0 z8 E6 P" Y! e
Twirl+ |- [) K  F# b$ j- f
Water Waves; {& Z& X2 p1 }
/ {* }) m6 U- t. K: S
0 ^+ n/ F1 d# l- O, MBurn Edges
$ J# k$ N" G$ bGradient Blur$ ~6 m; q9 v3 ~
Power Ramp2 b* n, B+ k0 Y: \9 b
Sparkle Edges; g' A5 E8 h# S# o4 P  x7 F' k' z; K
Spot Blur
% M' Q! A! Z8 OSpot Feather+ n  v/ a* ~' t* w1 j8 {/ i
Spot Frame
- l, D# C/ @4 ?  x  a0 f& `- _. @; bSpot Tatter
$ S" S  O$ S8 v' u+ k; kSpot Turbulence
& U3 \+ r# ^# q1 aWiggle Edges+ c& x: Y: \. c8 W. S
* @$ y: C, {* Q$ V9 P
Image# m" R% i. b7 B0 _5 L
Alpha Map5 Q' C$ m8 {- @5 Q3 ?
Channel Noise; L7 L, b/ s0 J; m. T1 d* q
Composite3 Y6 t- n/ J9 _* z0 h: y% n1 s
& l: N. W' G- Y4 X& i2 k( TMinMax( g/ y" n. k/ E
Noise; C; `6 L4 M7 e) }4 D; H
Simple Wire Removal
+ M; I  [/ N9 W( T+ _& `7 G' N; K7 Z/ n
6 d% N+ q/ ^2 |7 T6 k; {, ^Light$ w8 \% ]6 `3 r% C
Light Blast" I$ q: @. _0 q. G( K6 b1 t$ a
Light Burst  e* }* ^( ^" e$ h  C; Q7 {- x7 ^# U
Light Rays
* ^7 X7 |4 W) f2 H3 P  TLight Sweep
7 D5 @- ]( u3 J  XLight Tornado
' [& c4 @- V( l) ~0 _6 t- J3 gLight Whirl
$ ^4 |% O* u0 S7 G) PSpotlight
8 u: N6 Z+ B2 b% ]9 U' u( l3 {/ \3 R% {' ?8 k: y: D  m4 U
) Y7 M: M# [/ @  W  f$ g4 xBall Action, `1 b6 o4 H5 G2 C0 Q/ T
Bubbles4 l! v; }! B/ p4 C7 O( h7 d$ a/ p
Drizzle5 Q7 N) R: ]0 l- l; r: I. }
Hair& K8 o0 h" T! E
Mr. Mercury7 G& }0 r+ |" D; }: S0 s
Particle System II
; j+ k) E* [+ Q1 DParticle World# t: S( T9 R- k. t, A# w0 Y1 h
Pixel Polly. k  d; P. s6 U  @; a
Rain0 _! y8 T! w/ t. Y: m- K6 D) W
Snow# [! s) ?+ M& O) K+ p' L: v
Star Burst
% D4 j- x0 d- ]2 F) q/ P+ {# J
. F/ \0 K$ U8 r& M$ RPerspective
9 N7 d  k3 H9 E( Z8 uAdvanced 3D9 [$ X% c. J" t9 U
Cylinder, d* @7 H' Y9 w  c( y( k& B. x
Page Turn
8 U: ]8 X. K  ^Simple Shadow1 F+ B' \3 Z. W1 c. P# T/ @
9 v' `6 r2 s1 ESuper Shadow7 z$ u; T$ y7 w, C/ g

% T9 M0 @6 c- Z% j2 ~Stylize5 `, R" U. f; a, L4 {# r, ^
3D Relief
$ W& y& C- S& O7 H$ E  y( TBlobbylize  c& @$ e8 a2 [- s, }2 h& e
Burn Film
# I8 x+ ?  c) Q. d+ v" ^0 Z# lEmboss
, z+ A, a" r5 v/ eFractal
4 b' R4 }0 e* x: w2 \Glass
( G9 H1 F# Z4 N, JGlow
1 @$ l4 U1 {0 y3 J) [/ ^# cGlue Gun* W5 i: x$ l. C' a. O+ \
Kaleida- X, M2 _/ B" ]. }# r7 O7 j; u- U' t
Lens Star
% k+ l( P) D1 t& f# J. {Mr. Smoothie
$ b; c0 U2 e, Z& ]. aReptile8 a# f7 I7 |7 S0 k# ^# d4 [& g
$ p2 a/ W' Y8 }  pVideo Fragment
5 g2 |" Y2 F' W" {( C
. j, R0 D2 S4 [! l, a# YTime
7 ^2 p2 B& a3 D2 b; z; BForced Motion Blur
7 e, x6 W9 C3 @2 _6 d3 k  i4 G3 h" E* rTime Blend  b, @  p5 T1 ^# x& D
Time Blend FX
2 y9 k$ E# L% eWide Time& ?( r" r) K3 U8 f) u/ ?

# Q- M5 ]; _$ a8 _5 Z: oTransitions9 S9 U1 C7 M! c5 _. n' E8 `
Blur Dissolve
) Y: U7 l9 O$ J; Z0 z0 m0 ~) y* kGlass Wipe& l6 E# C% T, }- n9 ^8 ]
Griddler Wipe: ]3 A) m% r8 [
Grid Wipe
' A2 B4 d' C! ?& a/ h+ gImage Wipe9 F; f8 ?5 d3 z- P1 K
Jaws+ ^) y( o7 l2 o
Lens Wipe
4 U2 E$ G- K: T2 |7 i- q% E& v3 uLight Wipe
* D/ u8 P# V! t6 \Pin Wipe0 T# s0 }! S& D! n3 h3 G' G
Radial Scale Wipe
1 Z* [; \3 Q- v6 @# v1 d- g; t* YRain Wipe
9 S; M% K- ]) o! ~- M- l% URGB Dissolve$ I8 w0 k' N& `! s- D! `: r+ x
Scale Wipe8 _; W* E9 G1 o3 i
Slant Wipe1 L& E- [( a) ?' M
Spherize Wipe8 U8 {6 g5 P2 b
Super Dissolve# Y  v  D0 R" v$ A/ I$ G' O
- z8 g2 V- g4 h# u2 c, ]! v8 A( |" E# T
Host Applications :
4 M+ N7 ]# l/ K* ^, ZAdobe After Effects
- \$ z8 R/ E* M4 n6 P' MAdobe Premiere Pro& t+ }6 |0 Z! j) Y0 u9 q" i

* |( H$ F' x4 t* ^5 `. H) S% o7 zOperating Systems :
; {0 b$ ^5 |$ a7 _' L, h0 l8 u( |Mac* Z4 w. Z0 t5 p0 \
3 ~3 T. P( L( O6 {4 F* ~. BSystem Requirements :, x9 m, b' b7 q; ~3 z9 V" t+ g8 O1 Q
Unless otherwise noted, the Boris FX plug-in will support all Operating Systems that are supported by the supported version(s) of the host application
  _) R+ O3 I6 ~3 I$ H* M% R0 C' Z' u+ n, _2 W( z+ [
Now supports AE and Premiere Pro CS6
$ F# g3 j& I9 u4 \& D
- o8 _. u" O+ R! h' p& G3 l* M7 e3 k1 L
Download:- b0 ~. i: C) @: l3 |
Boris Final Effects Complete 7 AE V7.0.21.msi
# y# q4 H! g. F( @+ _* ZFECAE700aMac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg
, ]8 \7 c( _% _4 h8 N9 NFECAE700aWin_CS5_CS6_CC.exe  M+ M3 O3 E' z, I+ l0 K1 s6 J
% z& U2 t2 _5 l$ Y) k0 X1 sFECAE7Win_CS5_CS6.exe; i6 e# e7 l% S
7 K* B* b2 b3 q( B$ ~) x


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