

[Blackmagic] Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio 18.6.6

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Program Name: Blackmagic Design Fusion 18
0 l" [0 F) O% O# tProgram Type: VFX* x" p- \  r  `( a* A' ^  p$ z
Developer: BlackmagicDesign. f4 S" k! u. E1 u+ [( M) I
Homepage: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/fusion
& y$ I6 X0 G" K% F* E3 cRelease Date: September 28, 2022; E$ B' X+ Z, f
Interface Language: English1 g" g% F! G, C
Platform: Win / Mac / Linux: {- O2 u8 A+ C7 i; `
File Size: 644 MB / 1.8 GB / 855 MB) D. x6 Y4 }3 b: a8 k  B' m

( k3 W2 F/ F$ M( C; e# bThe Fusion package is the most advanced software for overlaying visual effects, broadcast graphics and 3D animation. In the more than 25 years that have passed since its inception, Hollywood studios have created over a thousand world-famous blockbusters in it. The powerful interface of the program is built on the basis of nodes, which allow you to quickly and easily add combined special effects. Thanks to a huge set of tools and functions, Fusion will help you to qualitatively change any material, whether it is an on-air program, a commercial, a TV series or a full-length feature film!- S6 S) I# o; U) @
VISUAL EFFECTS:3 t7 l" U) ?8 P; U0 c
7 a; B9 m! J# N  y9 R+ x! q8 e
A new level of visualization
2 ~3 d5 D$ g/ ]) _# S$ G0 v, tThe best Hollywood films contain hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of various 2D and 3D elements, flawlessly embedded in the original image. With Fusion, the entire compositing process is based on 3D nodes; it is possible to import 3D models and material from other applications, and hundreds of tools, effects and filters allow you to create truly high-quality film and television productions.! K. c" G5 q1 s8 r+ D

2 z) L* t5 |; y8 xcompositing
* G; G5 O. f- s1 p7 l, f: IAny process of creating visual effects begins with compositing, that is, overlaying one image on another. Thanks to Fusion, this is a simple action that requires only two basic tools to perform. Merge allows you to quickly join both images together in 2D space, while Merge 3D allows you to quickly join them together in 3D.; A. k/ T* C2 @/ M' l: E
% V6 S$ p# `) n2 b
Node-Based Workflow! F' [. W, I. ]: o' X8 K8 c
Leading Hollywood professionals prefer to work with nodes in order to have precise control over each element. All nodes represent separate stages of image processing and are arranged in a logical structure that eliminates the clutter of layers and makes it possible to break complex scenes into simpler components., Y; A3 Q' J7 ~3 @9 j3 j

! G& K8 Z9 l* P3D workspace
) v1 y. ^1 J- y  ^Fusion is a software environment for creating visual effects and entire scenes in a 3D workspace. You can process and render complex footage that combines 2D video and 3D models, and combine these elements with geometric shapes, virtual cameras, lights, and add volumetric fog.
. R& L2 {1 E' Y
. y- b6 Z* M+ fKeying and masking# g; ]% H/ |+ n, r  b1 _/ M2 U& @
In order to create a flawless composite image, it is important to be able to remove blue or green backgrounds, as well as unwanted details. Fusion comes with a range of extremely powerful keying modules, including the new Delta tool. It uses a modern way of processing along with various Matte settings, allowing you to achieve the highest results and preserve the smallest details in the frame.
) T7 `" M% h4 [7 _* s, d5 [; A! f. S4 U8 ~* L3 g: d6 W
Rotoscoping% `# o2 u: `& S0 z  |
Rotoscoping is used to isolate the figures of actors or objects from other elements in the frame. Splines and Bezier curves allow you to quickly draw the outline of any object and apply tracking. Planar tracking data eliminates the need for manual animation of operations such as scaling, rotating, positioning, moving, and changing perspective.1 ]( ]1 E8 a* J- Q
6 k6 N- T8 i, h6 T8 A+ r. y
5 R  {; S  E9 K5 \- V" p3 X9 G" hVirtual Reality, D( p5 y. Q( `3 G1 D" L
Support for all major VR headsets and goggles, interactive viewing and stereoscopic environments.: _( ^& s$ v8 C: X" z! S

# W6 k" e8 P: B% C' i) ^Camera motion tracking& c' |2 h- R1 a( W) d6 ?7 r8 n
Analysis of the movement of filming equipment allows you to recreate the trajectory of the 3D camera and the focal length of the lens to add computer graphics and other virtual objects.+ `' A! _' r1 d* e6 E* s4 c
8 B0 x: y$ g4 _- g! R3 r6 Z
Planar Tracking7 B! w% v2 G" U7 t1 `: M# e
Analysis of an area of ​​an image with automatic collection of the necessary data to determine the plane of motion, which can be used in the manipulation of the shape of an object and video stabilization.2 A# y' P/ A2 U5 C9 f- e8 z

. ~  y! Y3 ^; A% y1 h3 X+ K  m- Z: U7 fDelta Keyer and Clean Plate, W" `' @2 N4 t) n1 [
The Clean Plate tool produces a clean edge image on any background for exceptionally accurate keying with the Delta Keyer module.
- T9 [% O+ ]# i8 J5 ^. O( V. G* h* t0 T
Tracking and Rotoscoping
" o; {( v& L( Z6 Z& S3 YPlanar tracking data can be used in rotoscoping to create an accurate path for selected elements and their correct placement in relation to other objects.
; i) `4 J$ e9 Q$ V6 g
, U' Y  f+ k1 t$ K  V, EGPU Acceleration3 `4 m8 ?6 J- l$ e: T1 t* P! o
In addition to the standard GPU acceleration, many Fusion tools now support OpenCL for even faster operations.
* @9 x. [/ |0 C- M2 jWhat's New
2 X3 W4 C- Z, v+ P/ v* K- O4 ~. F
/ U7 t' D; i% q4 [, S0 }+ s( @5 [Version 18.0:! J* [, v' `, s: p( x6 b4 F
• Release note are available here
7 t8 o6 ]7 p1 k  @( ]* ^0. Perhaps when installing a new version, it will be necessary to remove the previous one, clean the tails and reboot0 m& ^+ B  b6 B
1. Unzip the *zip file, mount the image and install the application, you will need administrator rights ( do not run ) Or download the latest version from the official site Download Only .
" I% z' |9 s  p5 z) @2. After installation from the “Crack” folder,5 I) ~: G- v& Y1 R
$ k0 u1 ]8 T$ ~$ B7 ?  i$ |) N
• rewrite the file libfusionsystem.dylib from the “fusion” folder with replacement along the path:
  i, n: L3 A8 ^/ @! j3 L" s6 L& E( D+ n9 c) F5 H
/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 17/Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS# i1 [- }% {4 h& }4 ], |
- j- R' l3 p# B' l8 `8 H! |
• file libfusionsystem.dylib , rewrite from the "render" folder with replacement along the way:% V+ [; G) u8 e0 ?- R+ o, V; H

9 N/ ]& M2 f/ x( \$ A' W+ XApplications/Blackmagic Fusion 17 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS1 G: \' F: [/ M; [7 \: N

, B* E7 c& Z& z# Z# W) i8 ^( {Open Finder go to the Go tab => Go to folder... => copy the above path into the window
5 t2 B; [, g) h9 X/ m+ f3. PROFIT!
: S. z% b& d( }: R& }
2 B9 L# W) Y, sSystem requirements:0 N' V8 r5 z. @- |: b
Minimum system requirements7 U+ M* v& ^3 q  O  b
Mac 10.14.6 Mojave Intel/ARM5 v' z" G; p: d8 f* t- Y
8 GB of system memory. 16 GB+ for improved performance.
0 [. |- @3 \- ?8 W/ k- q+ w) kIntegrated GPU or discrete GPU with at least 2 GB of VRAM" s# Q8 O/ A" ?% L  j+ Y) q
Latest graphics driver as recommended by your GPU manufacturer
0 r9 s  A) H4 |/ B( O8 P  O1 j2 h# [) r& Z) a7 s. z" x  o0 ^2 V" ?
What's new in Blackmagic Fusion Studio 18.0.4
/ |& R0 p$ V9 MSupport for Blackmagic RAW SDK 2.7.
8 y/ H3 R7 Z4 @9 ^) J; iAddressed an issue with text+ follower and motionblur.5 L4 D# ?% z8 s( g3 C8 h
Addressed issues with the select points menu in keyframes view.
; v$ u! h/ G6 g$ e6 S; u& ]General performance and stability improvements.
; ~+ V3 x2 `; D# ?8 D' A
- f, b/ r; i3 s  K2 V4 g7 e+ _/ zWhat's new in Blackmagic Fusion Studio 18.0.2# O; {. P, @+ }7 f! t, ^. ]( W
Addressed an issue with scaling of the hue curves control.
4 P3 Z* i8 H& x- lAddressed an issue with bad edges on double polyline masks.' j- z9 h+ S9 P, s# e3 `
Addressed a repetitions issue with Mandelbrot on Apple silicon.
5 K/ G2 g; ?5 f- }0 Z8 CAddressed an issue with importing FBX into a default comp.' Y; e  _6 L- s0 K' x
Addressed an issue with changing tracker modifier on transforms.# o) w4 k$ D4 K+ I
Addressed an issue with vector motion blur artefacts.# {1 l8 U6 I; q/ e% T
General performance and stability improvements.
2 V- {8 F1 `0 j" j4 Z! e5 V* q
- Z7 M1 e1 O% UWhat's new in Blackmagic Fusion Studio 18.0.19 h9 u4 r# y8 I
Addressed a color issue with Mandelbrot on Apple silicon.
4 p; T" s; P7 M- w+ KAddressed a language translation issue with user controls.+ E8 \+ i' _- u2 b$ P9 t
Addressed an issue with gain and gamma when normalizing viewers.4 U5 ?) y- [! q1 a8 Z& S
Addressed a blend and jittering issue on duplicate with Apple silicon.
7 j# N# p) W$ V) H  GAddressed a gain issue with duplicate in some cases.( d7 `5 d8 ?+ Z! N' h8 t/ V2 d
General performance and stability improvements.2 L7 y- b8 X1 j: }8 l4 s9 E
9 h9 f8 x) S$ v. T
1 O: A# H2 [  T- |, o' o
& e: C4 q. v+ W8 C9 ~; @
- h9 @0 z9 r4 k1 E3 T9 \

* b  |, [, w- Z/ R( Q2 uDOWNLOAD:
( ~# w& e. G6 @/ {6 u& `Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b1_Linux.tar
  K; u) K, B8 P, yBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b1_Mac.zip
$ y" }, p$ ?: m& s7 g$ vBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b1_Windows.zip ( E. H0 K. M8 s
$ f4 ]$ j0 U; P9 D( hBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b2_Mac.zip
/ o: U7 m. H) M9 D: w( lBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b2_Windows.zip. S* R# x: [4 C! q5 A" ]+ t
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b3_Linux.tar* _' v' N4 B7 Z* m# j- j
2 O; x. h+ H0 u/ `Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b3_Windows.zip* H& t7 ]8 E, l( \
3 q5 |; z" L& M" wBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b4_Mac.zip
; d  T1 c& \: P- T6 SBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b4_Windows.zip
, i; {  @! Y6 |4 LBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b5_Linux.tar7 I! d5 u' Z& s
( |. G- r2 a1 Z0 d, _Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b5_Windows.zip  m! f& Z1 {& z: Z4 m4 j* O3 u4 ~( K
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b6_Linux.tar, r5 ^+ ?* W" D9 I4 K3 f1 c
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b6_Mac.zip7 O( u$ @1 q( w& I. j+ Q2 \
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0b6_Windows.zip* G$ [0 C' F" C) b& j! t8 A( S
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0_Linux.tar$ z6 f0 Z4 c5 [7 H' L- v( V
9 V9 v5 i6 C- f/ z# i- FBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0_Windows.zip
# H! q  s: q* L1 w$ `6 p/ u( eBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0.1_Linux.tar
/ E5 z. e) E& y# Y% }+ B) E3 ~Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.0.1_Mac.zip* N" M  ^$ s( D, R
6 m9 d; Z$ L2 G; [Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1_Linux.tar.tar% g4 |& ?. f, p: r
: \  A. g; L/ P0 EBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1_Windows.zip
: c& Z& e6 k! ?$ N) nBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.1_Linux.tar.tar
  q( W) k# ?) d# @( wBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.1_Mac.zip# j$ T( M2 C. B& b
7 O5 q3 K5 U- f5 ^* @6 K$ M& cBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.2_Linux.tar; [0 v8 ~) \( P7 e
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.2_Mac.zip: v* a% h$ t- [9 n3 a8 O4 T
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.2_Windows.zip$ s0 j7 a7 y, U1 |7 {& ?% q# W
% v* p' h; a; s2 k8 H9 [Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.3_Mac.zip
1 a- Y; H! F! v+ X/ A/ L; B3 bBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.1.3_Windows.zip7 m1 o& m. `5 b6 w
Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5b1_Linux.tar. `5 {& i% a% a9 c0 r0 ?
( i* h" s0 b( b% [/ G6 jBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5b1_Windows.zip0 U6 w- L& d2 @  R2 |
# M+ ]. o- K' m. }( f9 H! H& K$ [' M4 wBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5b2_Windows.zip
  g8 x6 [! T" R7 gBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5b3_Linux.tar.tar
2 ^1 q; Z8 S9 u4 Q# {6 D. ^" S! B; J# UBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5b4_Mac.zip: }" e( f, R6 l; m8 I4 N$ Q! _
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Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5_Linux.tar.tar( M6 Z2 K$ a5 T4 n
4 N1 i, p& e" d8 v1 d7 xBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5_Windows.zip0 G9 k/ r8 P$ k
6 Y0 D. f9 u) UBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.5.1_Mac.zip- j+ ^9 y, o9 m# z5 z2 T
) z& u7 R. w$ D1 y# p* bBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6_Linux.tar
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  {# a4 I& `9 L  |2 w0 _Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.1_Linux.tar.tar
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; K) w* ~3 }8 A& ?Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.3_Windows.zip
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/ G( x. n/ w, }' aBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.4_Windows.zip
7 \1 b" I4 \( ^/ \, u7 XBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.5_Linux.tar.tar
! F& H# Q$ z) K! l8 f% N4 _Blackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.5_Mac.zip
- n( r7 _( f" ^- ]+ t$ T3 O; ]9 L- XBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.5_Windows.zip  j! S, U/ M$ @: h) \( h3 Z
1 U- @0 e/ ?2 yBlackmagic_Fusion_Studio_18.6.6_Mac.zip+ F- v) o: V) J& O2 r' \( {' i+ `
2 m# H3 V6 Y; S7 h: Q
/ J+ y+ f  O' e( p" K% V! @' ~( u( g& Z: e+ S' C4 p' P- D6 s& g
(访问密码:702844)  d) K6 q8 [+ r


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