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Digital Flmtools Power Matte After Effects v2.0.1

发表于 2012-4-29 08:48:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文名: AE高质量智能抠图插件
/ M% z$ ^, q; P7 {* e
英文名: PowerMatteAfterEffectsv2.0.1(32位、64位)
别名: After Effects 高级智能抠像插件
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 官方破解版
发行时间: 2010年10月28日
制作发行: digitalfilmtools
5 h+ V- [1 j$ q: k
" Q6 F" x$ R& e9 b# t- e
, S2 X) n$ x9 [# r软件性质:免费软件+ Q+ s9 M" C- p
+ m% D; e& R8 u* x应用平台:Adobe After Effects CS5或者以下版本
: M5 b7 R+ t, e( N8 i3 _问题反馈: caorun@qq.com$ ^( V+ K& a1 {- L" ~
! a, B# W3 l7 N' E1 |
" s9 K7 {& R1 L官方介绍:http://www.digitalfilmtools.com/powermatte/( q7 t+ i( R( B8 X3 `
! K# b8 o. A" l/ j

6 h, M9 y' S5 V0 f- sPower Matte is an easy to use interactive image matting tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image--even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. This extraction process creates what is known as a matte--essentially a black and white cutout. White matte areas are extracted, black areas not, and gray areas in between represent a level of transparency. Once a matte is extracted, the foreground object can be seamlessly composed onto a new background as well as apply filter and image corrections only within the area defined by the matte.

* L: }5 N5 n' w& O5 N
# Y2 I0 t! J3 a6 ~  C, v2 x4 x, l3 I6 d5 {! G2 l
软件简介 / E$ y8 I" f5 @5 }2 Q) E
PowerMatte-AfterEffects v2.0.1.DC是一款用于图片的动态遮罩。智能扣图专业软件。
6 z' h1 I2 e! w) ?2 j对于图片效果的细节处理非常出色,不管是凹凸不平的地面还是地面的果皮,烟头。甚至是地面的灰尘,头发上的细节。都能处理的毫无痕迹。(功能不可谓不强大)
3 k' w$ @) V. ePowerMatte-AfterEffects扣图效果。能让这张图上的东东,上到另张图上。而丝毫没有缝隙。表述的天衣无缝。
9 L& ^# e' K" @5 H1 L
Power Matte is an easy to use interactive image matting tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image--even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. This extraction process creates what is known as a matte--essentially a black and white cutout. White matte areas are extracted, black areas not, and gray areas in between represent a level of transparency. Once a matte is extracted, the foreground object can be seamlessly composed onto a new background as well as apply filter and image corrections only within the area defined by the matte.
3 n4 S+ f3 |8 g. E7 _; h, v# j+ a; h  U- f; I; o
Install plugin.

6 A+ m- U8 W; F8 H
During the first run:
* V2 ]- J4 n" \1 \& K0 k
- Select "Activate zMatte" (选择激活插件)
" @/ L1 ?9 Z% z( m+ {
- Enter your zMatte Product Code below: ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD (输入您的号)
' U/ t& k& R. R" ~1 k1 z9 }5 d/ D
- Select "Telephone Activation"(选择电话激活)

2 K- u8 [! l5 [; ]# S. L+ Q- `+ f
- Enter "Activation Code": 01010101010(填入激活码)

5 g# F0 ]7 U* i, [0 O% M
- Press "Activate"(点击激活)

' B( Z- S7 T0 [1 b
- "Success! zMatte has been activated"(恭喜您成功激活)
. o+ v9 }2 j! B, |4 s
- Select "Do Not Register"(选择不要填写注册信息)
: h$ J1 q6 {. F6 p

: K1 w% a) s: a" [3 H5 A5 i2 j' {, S
! v0 z1 q' w5 \0 J: K" k5 [; G) c* e7 n

3 Z1 T8 c# [( Z0 A6 u/ [下载地址:PowerMatteAfterEffectsv2.0.1x32(楂樿川閲忔姞鍥捐蒋浠).rar (20.26 MB)
# S+ J9 W# }+ L0 `1 {

+ n: {& `( A( R$ @1 [5 ^
7 w# q) S4 v, r" _
; L# h% k+ j! Q
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