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Pinnacle Studio Media Suite v10.1 Multilanguage 中文版视频制作套装

发表于 2012-4-11 20:51:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 杉宫竹苑 于 2012-6-2 07:30 编辑 " P8 u3 y7 e0 X  T( o

! f1 ^! X* h3 K6 e
中文名称:品尼高Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite 10.1 中文版 视频制作套装1 T- H0 ^. [1 C. `$ d2 W" J7 |+ a; e
英文名称:Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite 10.1- [( q  n$ |7 r4 x& `8 k
别名:Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite 10.1& P9 _! x6 J+ i( d3 V3 X
& k- \9 l0 n9 G% U: V' T1 t$ K发行时间:2005年
4 P8 {6 j- |9 a制作发行:Pinnacle7 _3 M% ]0 L3 G+ @; S
地区:美国4 _6 B4 Z9 m! u" N
语言:普通话( ?' {+ x3 R* x0 a1 |' I. {. y
简介9 V# j* I. e$ q% }, f1 I5 X
Pinnacle Studio Media Suite v10.1 (品尼高媒体套件) ! C. n" O) |7 }$ e5 p# M
Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite v10.1, Pinnacle Systems公司推出全新的影像编辑软件-Pinnacle Studio Plus与Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite,再度强化该公司从初学者到专业使用者等系列解决方案的完整阵容。Studio MediaSuite则是一套完整的媒体工具,对于寻求全方位数字媒体工具的Studio客户而言,新的Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite 能提供Studio Plus影音编辑软件,以及完整的媒体编辑与管理工具。除了Pinnacle Studio Plus以外,Studio MediaSuite 还包括Steinberg WaveLab Lite (音频编辑)、Corel PhotoBook (相片编辑与分享)、Pinnacle Instant DVD Recorder (DVD对录与刻录)、Pinnacle Media Manager (数字媒体管理工具)、Pinnacle Instant CD/DVD (CD/DVD刻录、复制与数据备份)、Pinnacle Instant Cinema (DVD播放软件),以及提供颜色去背效果的绿布背景幕(5尺×6尺)。让使用者可在家里制作颜色去背(chroma key)的特效。Pinnacle Studio Plus采用业界最受欢迎的使用者界面,此界面提供客户及新闻界所公认,容易使用又简单的三步骤电影制作流程。Pinnacle Studio Plus可单独出售或做为 Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite套件的一部分!它提供了新的创意工具:
6 X. B0 ?" M1 K  x8 v0 l! @" v. K·真正A/B-Style编辑的第二影像轨,以及画中画(Picture-in-picture,PIP)效果及颜色去背(Chroma key)特效
+ R/ e7 W7 O% m3 V9 h·可录制杜比数位立体声的Dolby Digital Stereo Creator
( d6 c- ~+ ^' T- \·强化的幻灯片功能及更多特效,例如红眼移除、旋转,以及能将静态影像变成动态影片的摇摄及画面缩放控制功能。使用者还可以将纪录性的动画幻灯片,配上音乐、字幕与转场效果,使图片变得活泼生动。   _0 {0 U: c) [5 Y
·双层DVD支持,可制作长达两小时的高品质DVD影片 5 D% Z/ G* ^  y

, B, H0 @" L% \! i& K5 b# BPinnacle Studio MediaSuite 10.1
; {. j% F" g& y. B5 ~, s3 l专业工具包:Pinnacle Studio MediaSuite 10.1提供了一个高质量视频编辑和管理的全套工具,可将创造力发挥到极致。Studio MediaSuite 10.1将视频编辑带到了一个新的级别,您可在影片中添加其他媒体,可以编辑数码照片,创作音乐,并为影片配乐。将视频制作成DVD或复制影片与他人分享更加简单。集成的工具包,带给您无限创意!
+ X# r* n  |( w) a4 ?1 c7 o# G% ^0 |1 Y
5 \" E( V$ G2 l2 V6 F

    * |7 [& M& k) p8 H! K) W% ]6 n" x* o( h& }! {
  • 简单和便于使用
    / x  ]1 e7 a3 W- `7 j简单明了的用户界面将指导你完成视频制作这三步(1、捕获, 2、编辑,3、分享)。并使学习和使用Studio Plus不费吹灰之力。
    $ K: w) V3 T& g% ]5 v& X) N* w* A% t  K
  • Keyframeable 效果实时预览(新功能)NEW!
    8 H' k4 o; c7 m& m+ F2 u) o9 K
    Pinnacle Studio Plus now includes hundreds of keyframeable and format independent (SD and even HD) real-time effects and transitions. 8 s) @. X$ W1 m5 P  L
    # F6 _' B' p4 U0 s& ^
  • 内置DVD制作 ) r0 W; M5 P6 I3 j6 D
    Pinnacle’s fully integrated CD and DVD authoring workflow allows you to easily create DVDs with motion menus and custom navigation on the fly for playback on most consumer DVD players or DVD capable computers.
    ! _3 _. {7 |" c9 M8 l/ _- u2 v4 k4 Z. U3 h1 x3 N0 M* f
  • 支持任何流行的视频采集源及格式包括HD格式(新)NEW! ! p6 b+ g0 d4 o4 f1 _4 G. Z
    Pinnacle Studio Plus now gives you the power in combination with Studio’s celebrated ease-of-use to capture video from the latest consumer HDV camcorders and DVD video cameras. & ~' z2 p' u! O* U9 S" W, W# D
    1 Q3 A6 @" M! E/ I
  • 专业TV样式效果 $ q3 W) a( w3 \/ n8 G
    With Pinnacle Studio Plus, you can create the extraordinary real-time multi-track editing and effects that you see on TV everyday like Chroma Key (green or blue screen) and Picture-in-Picture (PIP).
    , o* b; n/ x" I: c

! G1 c: `, n1 }. ~$ a! u* J5 jHave Fun Team SHooTERS !!!!详细安装请查看安装说明,在CD2中 - h' y1 ~! r( o9 s$ x
+ p8 P+ H9 k. t: k* K第一步:
  l, ]9 Z4 H% B. J% b1 ^9 I3 C! M. V# U6 I使用第二张光盘提供的Keygen.exe计算一个序列号完成安装
, A& k9 M( a7 B第二步:
& l+ ~1 z8 r7 Q  v/ A" m- X5 ~6 J$ q重启一下电脑,然后你尝试打开studio.exe,却发现它说找不到硬件卡,不给启动. / E( q1 ]; ]  U6 w# _
备份X:\Program Files\Pinnacle\Studio 10\programs\Studio.exe文件.
* O9 Z$ u2 N2 {! h第三步: * m) F. s2 Y. t" l; ]% ~; @. x
将“免卡补丁.exe”直接覆盖到安装目录下.:\Program Files\Pinnacle\Studio 10\programs\。并运行“免卡补丁.exe” + _3 g. @% G: O4 j( P
+ {6 L  {, B6 _+ O; U+ O点"开始">>"运行",运行msconfig命令,在"启动"项中去掉 + x0 O* a7 [- z) X# L% {
PSDrvCheck   C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSDrvCheck.exe -CheckReg 项目前的小勾 1 Z2 R$ f- h; b$ T5 ?' }( m
第五步: : J% A$ N; c5 l
按要求重启电脑,你就发现OK了:它不说找不到硬件卡了,正常启动程序!实现免卡破解任务! 7 O6 ?. |9 x/ [$ e9 s$ U! ~: _
* V; J6 h/ c: H/ M2 m) Y1 K
( I* ~" `! N7 p' m下载地址:
  |* b# {/ D1 o7 M" M% c4 ^, R& W; x全套下载2 Z/ k) I; A' ?2 F1 M
[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.1.Multilanguage.Read.NFO-SHooTERS-CD3.bin (765.18 MB)
1 n# y$ t) u* C8 f% v
$ {. m! O7 Z% J4 b/ P& }[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.1.Multilanguage.Read.NFO-SHooTERS-CD2.bin (714.42 MB)
9 x' L4 E! M$ h9 {( n" d* F
, E# c4 j8 E2 A) _0 p& c2 o3 F[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.1.Multilanguage.Read.NFO-SHooTERS-CD1.bin (804.48 MB)
- [! o$ q1 V- X6 V/ Y7 |4 Y( f
+ E7 N# U; m: W- @0 ?) `, m0 \[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.0.Bonus.DVD.Multilanguage.PROPER-SHooTERS.part5.rar (42.47 MB). m1 o) ]; N8 ]+ ?: l
  f/ e5 h7 U- I+ n( n
[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.0.Bonus.DVD.Multilanguage.PROPER-SHooTERS.part4.rar (953.67 MB)
+ ]; \! Q9 @# o) q7 c: H3 C
/ ?2 ~/ w; Q, {8 p  ?; R. m3 U[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.0.Bonus.DVD.Multilanguage.PROPER-SHooTERS.part3.rar (953.67 MB)8 c$ O7 i9 T4 o

) [, Q' O0 x% j) Z[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.0.Bonus.DVD.Multilanguage.PROPER-SHooTERS.part2.rar (953.67 MB)' x& j3 O7 F2 m9 e$ U
6 Z# E4 j; ~+ h2 Y% o3 y
[鍝佸凹楂樿棰戝埗浣滃瑁呰嫳鏂囩増闄勫姞DVD绮惧搧鎻掍欢].Pinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.0.Bonus.DVD.Multilanguage.PROPER-SHooTERS.part1.rar (953.67 MB)
$ S  C  ^5 ^  Q" g1 c1 X" b: A! o
" h" q. q: E6 r0 @5 R3 D9 W) u7 n6 Q' R. I

* g  ^4 r1 u) \$ r! w
; e$ _* H- a. W9 g软件下载; G3 N" Z6 E( ]1 J1 r4 a7 t
Studio MediaSuite 10.1_A:3 B* S1 \  u" d) X1 g8 Y
8 c9 W5 J2 h3 c. X& `: V0 u( s
: R  V- e  n0 R/ ~Studio MediaSuite 10.1_B:

, M+ u7 x# J7 V0 E6 r, V: a; Ethunder://QUFodHRwOi8veGYuaGpkb3duLmNuL2Rvd24vtuDDvczlwOAvU3R1ZGlvY2QyLmlzb1pa
8 @+ j8 T. k6 O) d! a
+ d2 ~  u% y& R' C/ O; @$ eStudio MediaSuite 10.1_C:

' q" Y% I3 V# k' e9 y+ V* v$ Uthunder://QUFodHRwOi8veGYuaGpkb3duLmNuL2Rvd24vtuDDvczlwOAvU3R1ZGlvY2QxLmlzb1pa
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% |$ M5 W* S) Z# T/ Y1 H% }% E: q9 O5 R3 T8 z
后期资源网,打造没有广告、免除隐藏回复的全开放式影视技术交流平台。 你的所求就是我们服务的宗旨!!!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-2 07:29:43 | 显示全部楼层

Pinnacle Studio Media Suite v10.1 Multilanguage 英文版简介

本帖最后由 杉宫竹苑 于 2012-6-2 07:31 编辑
7 g9 _- K4 A, ?* U
9 H& K' I1 q% S, a* |! iPinnacle Studio MediaSuite version 10 combines Studio Plus?legendary ease of use with the added power and control of a host of connected applications to further manage and enhance your video and more for preserving and sharing on DVD and beyond.
, T% F7 C1 H# }. M* c" `1 O7 i. E& u5 a3 i" D: d5 c
Simplicity and Ease-of-Use 6 \. E! J$ [& n4 t/ D
The intuitive user interface with simple three-step process effortlessly guide you through the 1) Capture, 2) Edit and 3) Share steps and make learning and using Studio Plus literally a breeze. Add on-demand assistance, and making breathtaking movies was never so easy.
8 b+ `% P0 {0 {
) ~2 O! Y$ t$ ~Keyframeable Real-time Effects with Preview NEW!
) N; S: i9 f" B, Q' Z" hPinnacle Studio Plus now includes hundreds of standard and bonus extraordinary keyframeable and format independent (SD and even HD) real-time effects and transitions powered by the both legendary and professional Pinnacle Liquid Effects Engine. With added keyframing, one can now actually control the characteristics and parameters of an effect on a frame-by-frame basis. These effects and transitions can even be previewed immediately in their full resolution glory right on your primary or even secondary computer monitor. And if you ever outgrow the hefty palette of included effects, Pinnacle provides you with the
/ Q6 a% ^' m) I- U* C; kpeace of mind with knowing that there are always thousands more very affordable effects available when and if you ever need them.0 j9 B7 S' _) f5 A0 E1 ~0 D
0 m0 v& [: B. W- M
Built-in DVD Authoring6 e  v0 k( E3 [3 ]
Pinnacle's fully integrated CD and DVD authoring workflow allows you to easily create DVDs with motion menus and custom navigation on the fly for playback on any consumer DVD player or DVD capable computer. Why waste the time and energy! a3 n, r; G5 v" G* T1 b- k
of going back and forth between two completely separate applications when with Pinnacle Studio Plus you can preview your results with full DVD controls right from your editing workspace! And for those times when you want to quickly archive your treasured memories on DVD, Pinnacle Studio Plus provides a quick and easy tool for instantly transferring your video tapes to DVD's without the extra time consuming step of copying your files on to your hard drive.
7 H3 l2 ^3 I% t5 `: D8 g+ k
& K; ?5 d: k( j: b. G( pAll Popular Sources and Formats Including HD NEW!0 S2 v: p0 R: e7 W3 w) Z
Pinnacle Studio Plus now gives you the power in combination with Studio's celebrated ease of use to capture video from the latest consumer HD cameras,DVD video cameras and even cell phones. Thanks to the power of the prestigious and professional innacle Liquid Effects Engine, you can now actually edit with keyframeable real-time effects and transitions in truly stunning high quality HD!8 E) j- \9 }$ ]+ j: f; _
! a4 u+ g# P: C. T
Professional TV Style Effects
  {' K9 j2 P2 R: `: XWith Pinnacle Studio Plus, you can create the extraordinary real-time multi-track editing and effects that you see on TV everyday like Chroma Key (green or blue screen) and Picture and Picture (PIP). The Chroma key effect gives you the power to position the star of your video anywhere in the world and beyond while the PIP effect lets you place one video inside another in real-time.
: c; o3 W. [7 h/ \/ f3 U1 A8 }+ N
http://www.pinnaclesys.com/. C8 K; p; }4 O: C
3 Z- \3 n5 l/ g! k, l9 x
NOTE: 2005-10-04 Pinnacle.Studio.Plus.10.Multilanguage-SPiRO 0 X2 {/ L1 g, z" ?5 _
This release is not cracked at all. After the installation you can start the application but you can't use all options. We included a keygen which enables you 75 (!!) modules. For your pleasure we also included the 10.1 update(Shooters folder on CD3) which actually is available for registered users only.
$ T, W8 R; O7 v& ~( j% I6 i/ ^, F9 q4 M
Install the application & use our keygen to install & to activate the options NOTE: if you activate an option and you get the message "feature not found"then you can find this option on the Bonus-DVD (which means you have to install that DVD, too ) 9 v, G5 m& N4 G9 X; p$ d
, o: q( X% j5 q& ?" x$ R
Thanks goes to Team SSG for their work on v9.3. Without them this great release wouldn't be possible.    6 ?- K, j2 {, Z- H

" D* h/ Z- r4 f5 oThis release requires:
6 j) b4 M; ]0 e  tPinnacle.Studio.Media.Suite.v10.1.Multilanguage.Read.NFO-SHooTERS
0 O6 F) x0 _& x. o
+ w0 g) Q5 E% u1 L' GThis Bonus-DVD contains a lot of additional modules for the Pinnacle Studio Meda Suite 10.
; l4 Z8 O- e% G6 ]9 A( V; w
* B5 d8 R1 J  u9 Whttp://www.pinnaclesys.com/
$ j, u/ G5 i9 @+ D$ c8 j& O2 m! H6 f' y- g% t2 |3 U/ _
Install & use our keygen to activate the modules
7 T: ]4 A( J& u  H$ K' m---
) z* X  @6 q1 a+ m) z3 lPROPER-NOTE: 2005-10-14 Pinnacle.Studio.Plus.10.Bonus.DVD.Multilanguage-SPiRO
* I  q; t6 x1 E6 g( R, CThis release is useless. After the installation you have the modules on your harddrive but you can't use them because you must activate them We included a keygen which enables you 75 (!!) modules.# ?9 [* _* l2 L  C
$ a/ w- P0 ^* ~5 h7 KThanks goes to Team SSG for their work on v9.3. Without them this great release wouldn't be possible.
  F0 w  K# Q/ t# F) L1 w
后期资源网,打造没有广告、免除隐藏回复的全开放式影视技术交流平台。 你的所求就是我们服务的宗旨!!!
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