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硬盘分区魔术师Paragon Partition Manager 12

发表于 2012-9-20 21:46:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A modern PC will be supplied with a large hard drive, generally over 250GB in size and with Windows and other applications pre-installed. The hard drive is generally pre-configured either as one large partition or, more annoyingly, made up of a number of smaller partitions. There is no easy way of changing the size of these partitions from within Windows, using the supplied tools.
Paragon’s Partition Manager is hard drive partitioning software that will enable you to change the size of your internal hard drive or any drive connected to the computer.
Partitioning a hard drive enables files to be managed more effectively. For instance, a core partition could be used to host Windows and system files, whilst another partition could handle work and data files. It’s not a wise idea to use a partition to back up important data as it is all stored on the same hard drive. However, by partitioning your hard drive, backup tools such as Paragon Backup & Recovery can be utilised to backup a partition, rather than the entire hard drive.
If you’ve often thought about installing another operating system on your computer, such as Ubuntu or another Linux distribution, a separate partition could be created to handle the Ubuntu installation so it is kept apart from your Windows system files.
Paragon Partition Manager isn’t just limited to partitioning your drive. There are tools for you to defragment and free up vital space on your drives. Partitions can be copied and merged and if you really want to get serious, Partition Manager can be used to format and wipe a drive partition.
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Paragon Partition Manager 是一套磁盘管理软件,是目前为止最好用的磁盘管理工具之一,能够优化磁盘使应用程序和系统速度变得更快,不损失磁盘数据下调整分区大小,对磁盘进行分区,并可以在不同的分区以及分区之间进行大小调整、移动、隐藏、合并、删除、格式化、搬移分区等操作,可复制整个硬盘资料到分区,恢复丢失或者删除的分区和数据,无需恢复受到破坏的系统就可磁盘数据恢复或拷贝到其他磁盘。能够管理安装多操作系统,方便的转换系统分区格式,也有备份数据的功能,支持 Vista 系统下操作。
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Paragon Partition Manager 12 有着直觉的图形使用介面和支持鼠标操作。主要功能包括:能够不损失硬盘资料下对硬盘分区做大小调整、能够将 NTFS 文件系统转换成 FAT、FAT32 或 FAT32 文件系统转换成 FAT 文件系统、支持制作、格式化、删除、复制、隐藏、搬移分区、可复制整个硬盘资料到其它分区、支持长文件名、支持 FAT、FAT32、NTFS、HPFS、Ext2FS 分区和大于 8GB 大容量硬盘。
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可以很容易地改变分区大小、参数等,并且不会造成数据丢失,支持改变 FAT16/32 和 NTFS 的簇大小,可在 DOS 或任何 Windows 版本下访问 NTFS, Ext2FS 分区数据,支持 NTFS 分区的 MFT 优化,可转换 NTFS 分区的版本(XP <-> 2000 <-> NT) 。
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