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DxO Optics Pro v9.5.0 Build 114 系列专辑【更新到9.5.0 Build 114 】

发表于 2014-5-22 12:45:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DxO Optics Pro Portable(照片处理) 单文件绿色便携破解版是世界上最好的照片后期处理软件之一,也是一款数码单反相机自动图象质量优化软件,具有图像光学纠正、优化曝光、调整对比度、色彩控制、RAW格式 转换、消除噪点和增强细节等功能。它是通过严格的光学测定,储存了特定机身和特定镜头的光学特征,并对图像加以校正和优化,新版本可自动提高数码单反镜头 所拍图像的质量。该软件可单快捷的处理例如成像偏软、不够锐利、边缘色散等常见问题,大大方便的DSLR爱好者照片后期的处理工作。
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目前该公司发布的DxO Optics Pro 8正式版将会延续这一经典RAW处理软件的辉煌。DxO Optics Pro 8会自动提高图像质量,并突破相机极限,纠正所有的镜头变形,和改进相机拍照时传感器带给照片的常见现象,包括智能化的照片降噪。DxO Optics Pro是一款屡获殊荣的RAW程序软件,其开发公司基于长期专一的相机和镜头属性研究获取到的研发知识为DxO Optics Pro提供了出色的图像质量输出,即使照片是拍摄在​​超高的ISO下的JPEG或RAW文件格式。8 g3 I! R8 m* z' Z( S
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DXO OPTICS PRO的独特之处在于它拥有最高质量的照片后期优化修正能力,无需人工干预。无论你是想简单一次性自动化获得一张你要的高质量效果照片,而不必仔细设置 滑块,或者您想手动设置自己的校正参数,DXO OPTICS PRO 8 都将满足您的需要。 DXO OPTICS PRO8是开发理想便是减轻你的工作量,最佳化纠正你宝贵的影像图片。设计是空素材站  国内首发,该软件个人感觉自动化处理的图像是同类软件中最好的。也是最贵的。
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9 f3 N) q3 V1 f; f  oDxO Optics Pro automatically corrects and improves your photos as you open them. Corrections are precisely tailored to your images by taking into account the camera and lens you used. Our thorough knowledge of your equipment allows DxO Optics Pro to provide you with the best tools and the most precise settings for unparalleled sharpness and beauty in your photos. Perfect capture of real world light can’t be achieved with today’s commercial cameras, as the contrast between direct sunlight and shadows can reach 1/50,000 or more. Such a contrast represents close to 16 stops, definitely too much for current commercial camera sensors. DxO Optics Pro offers advanced tools to adjust contrast and tones to cope with the toughest lighting conditions, and provides you with best automatic contrast and exposure adjustment.
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Rapid batch image processing
% N, Y0 y9 j) E& u7 {: kAll of DxO Optics Pro’s corrections are based on what we call DxO Presets. A DxO Preset is a selection of correction parameters that is applied to all images to be processed. Thanks to DxO Presets, you can quickly and confidently process entire batches of photos according to the particular corrections or improvements you want to make (color, contrast, sharpness, denoising, optical corrections); and, too, you can apply your own personally-created presets as well.
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$ J: K3 D4 J5 H: ^6 I/ T$ ]* aOptimized settings, thanks to our imaging experts’ know-how; i' x) ~0 N) O) i8 d& V
From the moment you start up the software, unless you indicate otherwise, the default DxO Preset is active and will be used to process all your photos. This DxO Preset has been perfectly calibrated by DxO Labs’ imaging engineers and expert photographers to ensure optimal image quality for nearly all shooting conditions, including the most difficult. This DxO Preset brings together your camera’s default color rendering and the entire spectrum of our corrections for contrast (“Lighting”), optical faults (such as distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberrations), a moderated reinforcement of sharpness, and optimal denoising. All of these corrections are perfectly adapted to your particular camera and lens. You can use this default DxO Preset with confidence for the vast majority of your images.
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You can choose to apply a preset to one, several, or an entire batch of photos at any time.
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DxO Presets for all tastes and all shooting conditions" X5 s" p; F5 w+ O3 c
The notion of image quality can be highly subjective. Some photographers prefer saturated colors and strong contrast, while others prefer reproducing delicate nuances of color and softened contours and edges. To respond to this important aspect of photography, DxO Optics Pro offers different tools and modes of function that permit you to process your images according to your own tastes and preferences." q- F4 l0 `5 X& i

, O9 Z5 q- k0 D( k. S7 U  uIn addition to its principal default DxO Preset, the software comes with with more than a dozen easy-to-use DxO Preset variants that can be applied to different kinds of images shot under all kinds of photographic conditions - high ISO, vivid color, softened contours, recovery of burnt highlights, recovery of detail in shadows, correction for anamorphosis. See the full list of DxO Presets.. Q# \# H) D3 V
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Last but not least, DxO Optics Pro allows you to create your own presets and save your own preferred setting parameters. Once you have experimented with settings and obtained photo results that please you, you can save the setting parameters in a personal presets file under a name of your own choosing. You can then re-apply this preset to one or more photos by selecting it from the updated list of available presets., n" c/ j# l3 E' B6 C1 q
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Platform : Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.15 x- E$ Q+ ?3 M( D  }" w" y1 `
Language : English
2 K* ~) p1 b9 ~4 C# d. c
9 p/ e" M/ ?$ i3 EHome Page -http://www.dxo.com/
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! D" a5 [( H1 _* D. j% H; xDxO Optics.Pro v9.0.1 Build 1435 破解版【非编软件网】.zip/ X$ c; X3 b9 w- K( x
DxO Optics.Pro v9.1.0 Build 1505 破解版【非编软件网】.zip
4 V% Q. ^+ \/ y( z; {DxO Optics Pro v9.1.1 Build 1563 破解版【非编软件网】.zip
% r+ d8 {5 b( cDxO Optics Pro v9.1.2 Build 1694 破解版【非编软件网】.zip4 m" N4 i: S9 E- a: B
DxO Optics Pro v9.1.3 Build 1787 破解版【非编软件网】.zip6 J& e# J( r- T# v4 d
DxO Optics Pro v9.1.4 Build 1829 破解版【非编软件网】.zip9 G. Q9 i* h, o3 S/ F
DxO Optics Pro v9.1.5 Build 1919 破解版【非编软件网】.zip
8 W) _! `; a' K1 |% ~1 ^1 SDxO Optics Pro v9.5.0 Build 114 破解版【非编软件网】.zip
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