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[Music Maker] MAGIX Samplitude v11.0.1+ 11.0.2+11.0.3【后期资源网】

发表于 2012-4-19 06:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MAGIX Samplitude 11
) j. d- }8 p" {8 {' NIn contrast to other digital audio workstations, Samplitude 11 enables a complete in-the-box workflow, whereby all steps, from composition recording and sound creation using VST instruments to editing, mixing, and mastering the finished CD, take place within a single program.2 s& X/ P5 v) O2 u/ a6 ?

! _4 ]: I( ^" P6 Y  ; y5 X' ]- t( t1 o  m$ D6 c
Daily workflows are optimized via extensive application options. Outstanding characteristics, like 100% sound neutrality, the Hybrid Audio Engine, and the option to work based on objects has been refined and expanded with top features like the new 6-band equalizer "EQ116“, the guitar and bass amplifier „Vandal“ and many more.' X3 k9 W' B8 o& |8 G0 o
  8 H; d# w% A! w  Q+ v. d
当今最伟大的一个多轨音频软件,具有数字影像和模拟视频录制和编辑功能和5.1环绕声制作功能。具有无限音轨,无限Aux Bus,无限Submix Bus,支持各种格式的音频文件,能够任意切割、剪辑音频,自带有频率均衡、动态效果器、混响效果器、降噪、变调等多种音频效果器,能回放和编辑 MIDI,自带烧录音乐CD功能。不同於传统的 CooleditPro 因为它采用非破坏的处理方式,对文件的各种处理不会一次性迭加到来源文件上而无法恢复.
" T. L3 R( }' M2 M6 i+ `  
9 s1 |8 d, t2 t* p& T& V" i- 5.1通道环绕,环绕效果及对象环绕
7 A. E& b0 G8 r, S& b) A# Y在Samplitude V8中环绕声技术被再次进行改进。新的特性包括5.1声像,多通道均衡器,基于卷积积分技术的空间混响模拟器以及其他一些动态处理器。对象环绕功能是一种独特的全新功能:允许每一个在工作项目中的音频对象被独立的置于环绕声场内的某个位置。1 r/ ~6 y3 b0 x6 q
  Q. J. y0 o7 h0 k6 ?- 环绕空间混响模拟器
$ L# c! R8 S: b采用卷积积分技术的革命性实时空间混响虚拟器,现在被应用到了环绕声环境。0 F  G5 I" [3 m  g6 s
  " d2 @0 q$ u- _7 m  [
- 为MIDI控制器设计的MIDI套鼓编辑器,多功能编辑器
. b6 M! Q* J. O大量新增的MIDI控制工具使得软硬件合成器整合使用地更加容易。其中一个新的功能就是多功能编辑器,可以平行显示及处理MIDI控制和弯音控制信息。套鼓编辑器包括矩阵,单元编辑功能,还有图形力度编辑功能,并可结合套鼓分配管理器来使用,因此可以让你随心所欲对你的套鼓音轨进行编辑分配。
! }) r& t4 ~  h6 M1 p  2 Z# C) Y7 i& `1 n) P1 W+ x7 e/ o
- MAGIX的模拟模型组件# W7 S6 [9 s" W5 M/ @: n5 \
Samplitude V8补充了大量的具备仿真经典模拟处理器功能的高质量音频效果。这其中包括了一个出色的带有可调带宽的模拟压缩器,饱和效果模拟器以及一个用于调整打击乐类音频信号包络的瞬时处理器。! L! Z4 r% @1 |5 k+ A+ r
  / f  ^& k$ u% w# @! ]5 B4 F4 H
- MAGIX的Elastic Audio(弹性音频)技术  |5 f8 P8 J4 _" x8 l: V; J) L: c
你可以象对MIDI数据进行移调一样简单来对音频信号进行移调。该技术包括了自动移调识别程序,和用于单通道音频对象的自动移调校准功能。同时,自动移调提供了多种算法,其中包括了再采样算法。/ e# q* `. F! f, j5 N8 I
  9 Q( q1 p* W0 g$ u* \  z
- MAGIX的Robota Pro软件虚拟模拟合成器
+ l# [$ U& D  T9 p( B8复音软件虚拟模拟合成器,内部集成了经典鼓机风格的步进音序器。4 u6 C2 c0 g7 O* j
  : P3 @( Z* b" [$ M
- 针对文件夹,对象,音轨,片段及标记点的项目管理器
9 F* I9 u7 ?7 {, C该项目管理器通过用于管理对象,音轨,片段以及标记点,来提供给你高效的存档及管理你工作项目中的相关数据及文件。- O% N( y% L6 T- \
  ) S: J% t0 o( f: b% N: z
- DVD音频/ h5 Y' R7 Y! X8 k" f3 v. u
可直接在Samplitude V8软件中进行高清立体声及环绕声音频DVD光盘的刻录工作。" f. y" ^5 k$ l2 V/ [
  3 |% b8 F+ Y3 K' }) ]% |
- 支持ReWire技术
$ {; D! A0 t5 q, @! [2 i. @8 l( x可同步处理同样支持该技术的软件,像Reason,Storm 3等。: l2 U) M+ N4 f$ S; W+ o
. ?7 K# |: A7 a* o& Z- h9 d6 h- 其他功能
, a3 \: t, H! K8 i可支持外部硬件控制器的音轨指定穿入录音,重混/切片功能(用于节奏音轨对象的自动剪切及自动循环),优化效果处理,全屏视频输出(支持16:9模式)
5 ~. q2 x' m5 a$ Q+ C  Samplitude 11
+ J6 K% p& d6 M& X  
Samplitude is purely native PC software and therefore independent of proprietary audio hardware. Basically, that means the program works just as well on a laptop as on an audio workstation with dozens of inputs and outputs. Even the standard version offers you everything you need for your productions: Up to 128 tracks and 64 busses at a sample rate of up to 384 kHz. Samplitude provides all of the freedom you need to choose your own system. MME, ASIO*, and WDM support all important driver models.
8 \6 S0 g* I. \" ^  
: ?2 \! o; U, ^) u! @4 i  C  Workflow improvements. K- p4 \$ y- r$ S# M
The new version 11 also features improvements to workflow and operation suggested by users to make Samplitude even more intuitive and easier to customize., \* y& r: J$ w
  0 {( f$ U+ n4 F/ R* u' e- Z( F/ `
  Docking: [3 b( k1 @. U3 L7 B. p' `6 ?
Manager, visualization, audio quantization, icon bars, and the time display window may now be coupled/docked with different areas of the project interface, or freely arranged on the screen.
, B" m% y' o) u" G  6 z6 R  ~6 A( i8 u4 e& `+ _
  Track colors
& O* c/ ]* I6 W4 {( f* F: K) WTracks may be colored directly via the track header. These colors are then displayed in the mixer for faster orientation within the project .
; X, U9 o4 H9 s( ]5 ]% l* X  + m! Z4 |# T. W; y/ x! K3 }
  Hybrid Audio Engine
6 h- G- I! v" S6 d, T0 x3 pThe Hybrid Audio Engine includes a combination of a Low Latency and High Latency Engine. The Low Latency Engine reduces response times when calculating track effects and enables Live Monitoring at lower latencies. The integrated High Latency Engine, on the other hand, brings about more effective system utilization, which allows for the integration of sophisticated object effects, object auxiliaries & surround functions. The Hybrid Audio Engine is based on the ASIO driver system and, thanks to its low input/output delay at the same performance levels, optimizes the system especially when working with software instruments and other plug-ins. The combination of the two operating styles (with latency compensation of course) is also possible. This makes the software perfectly suitable for current requirements of the production process.
7 Z- _% t7 y9 f/ ?; `! @  
( U% y# c0 D8 X% s' s, k/ ]  Object-oriented editing
  Y3 O7 `* E. B5 O, jAs well as the classic track-related editing options, Samplitude also provides object-level editing. This provides new opportunities for mixing and sound design. The audio material may be split into any number of objects and moved on the track freely. Every object can be edited with fades and effects, e.g. equalizer, timestretching, pitchshifting, or VST plug-ins. Even aux sends are possible at object level. This means that the aux send is only active for this object, making complicated automation unnecessary. The object editor offers real-time access to an object's settings. All settings at the object level are calculated in real-time during playback; no new files are written to the hard drive. This saves space on the hard drive and allows settings to be changed again at any time. For example, you may discover that individual words from a vocal track require a pitch adjustment, so you could split each word, even every syllable into a single object. Each of these individual objects may be corrected with the real-time pitch correction function or edited in terms of volume and panorama or with fades and crossfades. Every object even features a complete range of effects and inserts for DirectX and VST plug-ins.% H# D8 ?" {3 ?0 k9 E8 u2 }
  , m7 z5 D- }- F& C$ q+ S4 U* C  g# V
  essentialFX6 v7 S) v% f& \& u; J) i
essentialFX provides a complete suite of new, alternative basic effects for dynamics, modulation, and other frequently used sound processes on a single screen. A lot of attention has been paid to modern design, effective display of the individual parameters, and as such to the simplicity of overall operation. This appearance of "understatement" conceals high-quality algorithms developed for daily work in the studio., v8 G0 C8 q! V9 p1 M/ v
  : ~$ M; [8 |8 _" @2 N9 e4 {
  sMax11) f+ r* ]7 T) w2 \% I7 j  y
"sMax11" is a new limiter/maximizer that provides must-have services for mastering tasks. Basically, the function is a hard/brick wall limiter with input amplification. Specification of input amplification allows the loudness of the audio signal to be increased easily. At the same time, the sMax11 ensures that the signal does not exceed the flexibly set output level. The control at the basis of the modification may also be configured by setting the release time and a specific mode like "Hard Clipper", "Aggressive", or "Balanced".
# @! h% e0 w. H2 D9 O1 D  + G$ J  N3 @' l3 b. N) e
/ R; u8 g. T7 f3 @2 `2 Q9 L$ ?The "EQ116" in Samplitude 11 provides a 6-band equalizer that works with either oversampling or phase-linear algorithms. Filters on up to six freely selectable frequency bands may be activated to adjust the sound of the sample or of an object. This also enables broadband elevations in high and bass values as well as narrowband corrections to the frequency response to be carried out. Three different filter setups may also be selected to make settings directly during monitoring, without loading or saving complete presets." ]4 r: ^, J- m" k; B
  * {$ }/ P$ Y5 M1 _$ v( W0 ~0 m
  New VST instruments
4 ?$ c& O+ G  f' j" {Do you like experimenting with sounds? Revolta 2 is your sound laboratory! This high-performance analog synthesizer makes everything possible, from grainy bass lines to lead sounds and complex sound patterns! Underscore your personal musical style with sound developments that have never been heard before. Thanks to the video tutorials included, you can get started right away even without any prior skill.; c' q% l3 M9 s  i
( O$ ~0 C1 q; I: m; [3 hPolish your beats however you like. The new version of the popular BeatBox features revised and improved features to make it a flagship drum computer. Besides the completely new sound engine, even more drum kits, innumerable options for sound formation, and high-quality effects, the plus version of BeatBox 2 has even more to offer: bonus drum kits, full automation of all parameters for exciting sound envelopes, and an integrated effects section!
& K* q6 W7 y! o+ I, a& k9 d5 c  : E- O! I7 K2 I  `5 z* K  m* u% |  z" a
In addition to Revolta 2, the virtual analog synthesizer, and BeatBox 2, Vita provides a complete array of sample-based instruments at your service. The tools found in Vital Instruments offer various sound tests and playing methods for e-piano, acoustic guitar, bass as well as brass and string instruments.3 m$ n8 ~6 F$ a! K" b1 Y
9 b/ E/ i# D- n* u, L! o
  6 g0 ~7 o  w3 I7 j
System requirements( q- `& m. H/ f- k% Q2 ]/ ]" _/ ^
  h9 K$ k! D2 r) b8 r% c4 W/ [5 _Intel® Pentium® 4 oder AMD Athlon™ 1,5 GHz and higher0 ~3 M5 u; v3 X  |# v/ y
Windows XP / Windows Vista / (Windows 7 compatible)+ h2 w# |$ D" d
512 MB RAM for Windows XP
6 O- K$ A4 b- l. a# V$ \1 }  
' Y6 ?' ?# }7 m4 Y9 t$ q1 GB RAM for Windows Vista (32-bit); x9 Z6 H$ ^7 p" ^3 O) V9 \
2 GB RAM for Windows Vista (64-bit)/ x4 k& l: \( h( S% W( e
500 MB hard disk space for minimum installation (full installation requires 5,5 GB free hard disk space)4 {2 M) w' \  \- ^. ]
DVD drive for program installation
6 k5 y/ L+ r. O$ a2 U- iGraphics card with a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768
9 `" {0 z9 n& i/ oASIO and / or WDM compatible sound card
! ^7 v7 `3 G( D9 O  
5 x! g* d2 n0 I! Q8 A8 {4 {* F! CNote: Sampltiude & Sequoia are compatible with Windows 7.% Y* x7 _% C% Z; B, V
- C! {3 |) s* j( R8 j5 z6 J: i0 K5 cOptional:
% T1 S# a; r+ v2 O' \8 |Burn CD/DVDs with CD/DVD Recorder/ M( a' `  ?9 @0 ?7 Y+ E2 V3 T
http://www.magix.com/de/samplitude$ \; M3 _0 f5 E" p  J

$ n; q. D. k! F! Y4 }! K3 F' b( _
  d  E7 M! ~2 [- X' D  5 y) l8 D" J, O( d
% l8 f- S0 P  u
MAGIX Samplitude Pro 11.0.1.exe
9 W5 Y0 p" @2 {% YMagix Samplitude Pro V11.0.3.exe
/ @1 a6 A/ _. hMAGIX Samplitude v11.0.2.exe
5 ^5 N& M0 h/ D) X7 z7 k
) E& d0 v3 {2 v* g& f8 ^
* j2 ]. m+ ~7 L汉化文件请到汉化区下载即可
) v. Q. O4 ]) {( w9 w

: s" x9 N. ~) L/ G1 ?2 a) M  M
! y, A! T8 D  t: k% Z
9 ^  T  M& }% n% }( s: X: c6 F. @# \# c
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