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SDL Trados Studio | MultiTerm 2017 SR1 14.1.10018.5479

发表于 2016-12-16 22:35:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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程序名称: SDL Trados Studio | MultiTerm 2017 SR1 v14.1.10011.20356
程序类型: Translation
发行日期: 02 December 2019
Home: http://www.translationzone.com/products/trados-studio/professional/
界面语言: English
支持平台: Win
文件大小: 325.9 MB

SDL Trados Studio 2017翻译更快,更智能,同时向世界展示一个统一的品牌。 SDL Trados Studio是想要编辑,审查和管理翻译项目以及公司术语的语言专业人员的完整翻译环境。提供世界一流的本地化内容,以受全球250,000多名翻译专业人员信赖的软件支持您的全球销售和营销工作。





保护您的品牌价值,并确保所有语言的语调一致。用户可以在整个组织中创建和共享批准的术语,以确保将正确的术语应用于每个翻译。 SDL MultiTerm是整个SDL语言平台上可用的术语管理解决方案,可以与SDL Trados Studio无缝集成。




利用SDL Trados Studio中提供的项目管理功能,可以快速,轻松地跨多种语言创建和交付大型翻译项目。使用SDL语言平台,无论多么复杂或影响深远,都可以获得构建首选翻译供应链所需的必要灵活性和可伸缩性。


将SDL Trados Studio连接到SDL Trados GroupShare,以提供其他协作和实时项目功能。

SDL WorldServer使您的项目管理更进一步,SDL WorldServer是为处理复杂翻译过程的大型企业而设计的。

通过将SDL独特的自学习机器翻译技术与SDL Trados Studio相结合,可以更快地完成项目并将您的生产率提高一倍。在SDL Language Cloud的支持下,AdaptiveMT可以合并到现有的翻译工作流程中,从而可以轻松提高生产率,同时保持质量。



MT Auto建议
使用SDL Trados Studio独特的机器翻译AutoSuggest功能并接收子段MT匹配。

借助我们灵活的基础架构,可以定制SDL语言平台的每个区域。用户可以将SDL Trados Studio与他们自己的业务应用程序集成在一起,利用SDL Trados Studio与整个SDL语言技术产品之间的现成集成功能,或者在专用SDL AppStore中使用第三方应用程序。

使您的团队能够在每个项目上无缝协作。 SDL Trados GroupShare使使用SDL Trados Studio的团队能够安全地共享集中的翻译记忆库,术语和项目。受益于实时并发访问和即时实时更新,GroupShare可以大大提高生产力,一致性并简化项目管理。

Microsoft Windows 7,Windows 8.1和Windows 10
2 GB RAM(32位)或4 GB RAM(64位)

Cumulative Update 18 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10018.54792, Released on 02 December 2019)
SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 Cumulative Update 18 (CU18) addresses the following issues:
Fixed Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when opening a language resource template created in Trados Studio 2019 CU4 (CRQ-16939).
Fixed Illegal characters in path error when trying to open a package on Chinese operating systems (CRQ-16729).
Fixed Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when performing the Finalize batch task on two SDXLIFF files that were virtually merged (CRQ-16160).
Fixed issue with importing TMX into server-based TMs (CRQ-15850).
Fixed issue with importing return packages when the filename contains Umlaut characters (CRQ-14994).
File Types and Core Components

Cumulative Update 17 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10017.54688, Released on 03 July 2019)
SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 Cumulative Update 17 (CU17) addresses the following issues:
Fixed issue with the tag view switch and other Editor refresh commands not working.
Fixed Import failed. The file could not be processed error when importing certain .tmx files.
Fixed The type initializer for 'Sdl.Core.LanguageProcessing.ICU2.WordBoundaryFinder' threw an exception error when upgrading certain TMs (CRQ-14879).
You can now use Japanese Yen (JPY) and Canadian Dollar (CAD) as currency with your Language Cloud subscription.
Known issue: Some older TMs (such as created with Studio 2014) may show an error when trying to export to TMX. The SDL development team is working on a fix for this issue, but until that is released, use the following workaround: in such cases, the TM has a warning sign next to its icon, which means it needs to be updated to the latest format. To update the TM, right-click it and select Upgrade Translation Memory from the context menu. Once the TM has been updated this way, exporting will work again in all scenarios.

Cumulative Update 16 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10016.54660, Released on 30 May 2019)
SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 Cumulative Update 16 (CU16) addresses the following issues:
Fixed issue with Language Cloud custom terminology provider not being preserved as default if set so.
Fixed error displayed during auto-propagation.
Improved the way Trados Studio handles corrupt MultiTerm termbases.
Increased perfomance for the WorldServer TM provider (CRQ-14244).
Fixed Trados Studio crash after undoing merge segments (CRQ-8843).
There was an issue with Trados Studio not throwing the error for paragraph unit exceed correctly. This is now fixed (CRQ-13173).
Fixed issue with creating projects via API (CRQ-13076).
Fixed issues with opening certain WSXZ packages (CRQ-11823).
When a user with elevated permissions changed project settings, the target language used to change for all the users sharing that project in Trados GroupShare. This does not happen anymore (CRQ-8983).
Fixed issue with Trados Studio using wrong number of SDL Language Cloud subscription characters during project creation (CRQ-7969, CRQ-6619).

Cumulative Update 15 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10015.44945, Released on 18 December 2018)
SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 Cumulative Update 15 (CU15) adds the same TM enhancements that were introduced in Trados Studio 2019 SR1.
Termbases from the SDL Language Cloud Terminology (Beta) provider are no longer available in Trados Studio 2017. This functionality is now available in SDL Trados Studio 2019 SR1 and later.
When opening an SDL WorldServer package, the TBX conversion to MultiTerm termbase is not wrongly merging entries anymore (CRQ-12107).
When opening certain SDL WorldServer project packages in SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1, the error Could not load file or assembly 'log4net Version=… occurred. This is now fixed.
Context Matches are not transformed to 100% matches when upgrading a Trados Studio 2017 TM to Trados Studio 2019 (CRQ-11293).
Fixed TextContextMatchType must be specified error when upgrading an .mdb TM (CRQ-10932).
Trados Studio does not hang anymore after selecting a Trados GroupShare 2017 translation memory with many language pairs in the Open Server-based Translation Memory window (CRQ-10538).
Changing the Trados Groupshare project settings does not reset the target language selected in files view for all the users anymore (CRQ-8983).
Fixed missing TM matches created with MT! user when the TM is not first in the list (CRQ-5825).
Note: Cumulative Update 15 was originally released with the build number 14.1.10015.44620 on 12 December 2018. That version of CU15 was replaced with the updated build number 44945 as described in this article. There are no differences between these two versions of CU15 except for a hotfix in the installation program that caused the error "Service 'SDL Customer Feeback Service' (Sdl.ProductTelemetrics.v1) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services." This issue typically occurred on PCs that had both SDL Trados Studio 2015 and 2017 installed side-by-side and has now been fixed (CRQ-12733). Users that installed CU15 successfully on or after 12 December will not get the new build 44945 as the software is identical. Any future cumulative update will then bring both groups of users up-to-date to the same build number again.

Cumulative Update 14 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10014.38031, Released on 10 October 2018)
SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 Cumulative Update 14 (CU14) addresses an issue with saving target for IDML file types while the IDML Failed to save target content: Method not found error is thrown.

Cumulative Update 13 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10013.37703, Released on 3 October 2018)  
Added a new option for PerfectMatch in regulatory flows that preserves inconsistent translations in duplicate content.
Fixed An error occurred when searching the Translation Memory. The TM may contain invalid Translation Units error when in Translation Memory view and running a search in a server-based TM (CRQ-4012).
Fixed error message thrown when re-indexing TMs in certain rare cases.
Fixed Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when viewing a report during the create return package process.
Fixed issue with corrupted characters when adding a new term entry with the SDL Language Cloud Terminology (Beta) provider.
Fixed term being added with incorrect language in SDL Language Cloud Terminology when the terminology provider does not include the respective term's language.
Fixed issue with the Replace tab not being displayed in the Find and Replace dialog in certain cases.
Fixed issue with tracked changes not being saved in the target file because of duplicate tracked changes occurring in segments (CRQ-10617).
Fixed issue with tracked changes spanning entire segments not being applied as TC matches in Pre-translate files batch task (CRQ-9638).
Improved performance when opening document or accessing the Translation Memory and Automated Translation settings pages if several SDL Trados GroupShare 2017 TMs are active in the project (CRQ-10545).
Fixed issue with all data from the language resource template being deleted when unlinking a Language Resource Template from a Trados GroupShare 2017 TM in Trados Studio (CRQ-8195).
Fixed issue with only 200 translation units being modified when batch editing SDL Trados GroupShare TMs opened in the TM Editor (CRQ-9832, CRQ-6818).
Fixed issue with Retrofit not following the target segmentation rules and merging segments when updating the SDLXLIFF file (CRQ-9360).
Fixed issue with correctly displaying the Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) flag (CRQ-9280).
Fixed issue with locking files when saving large files in Trados GroupShare and there are connection problems (CRQ-8521).
Fixed performance issues when merging segments in large documents (CRQ-8234, CRQ-8237).
Improved performance when loading list of termbases from the Termbase Viewer (CRQ-6576).
Fixed Multiple Placeholder Tags with same IDs error occurring when running Perfect Match twice (CRQ-9783).
When adding an additional server termbase from the same Trados GroupShare server to a Trados Studio project, all previously added termbases were removed. This is now fixed. (CRQ-6903).

Cumulative Update 12 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10012.29730, Released on 31 July 2018)
The main change in CU12 is in the licensing mechanism for Trados Studio 2017 that will benefit all users who are upgrading their Trados Studio instance to the new Trados Studio 2019 release. When going through the upgrade process for your Trados Studio license and generating the Trados Studio 2019 upgrade license, that 2019 license will contain a specific capability that authorizes both Trados Studio 2019 and Trados Studio 2017 to be licensed on the same machine. This mechanism will allow all Trados Studio 2017 users to be able to continue running both Trados Studio 2017 and Trados Studio 2019 on the same machine, even though they have only purchased an upgrade license. This way you can continue working in scenarios where your end customer might specifically require Trados Studio 2017 and not yet Trados Studio 2019. Additional details:
The mechanism described here works for local licenses. It is not supported for network licenses. For network licenses with mixed version scenarios, contact your SDL account manager.
Trados Studio 2017 CU12 can use both any existing Trados Studio 2017 license as well as the Trados Studio 2019 upgrade license. As long as you do not deactivate the Trados Studio 2017 license in the product, Trados Studio 2017 will remain activated. If you return the 2017 license, you will not be able to reactivate your Trados Studio 2017 license until you install CU12 delivered here. Installing CU12 then allows Trados Studio 2017 to use the 2019 license.
Importantly, if you did deactivate the Trados Studio 2017 license before you have installed CU12 delivered here, you will not be able to get CU12 through AutoUpdate, as it needs a running instance of Trados Studio to update itself to CU12. Since you have deactivated Trados Studio 2017 CU11 or earlier, it can no longer find any license and it will not allow you to run AutoUpdate. If you are in this scenario, you can get the installer for manual installation under "Downloading and Installing Cumulative Updates" below to address this problem. (Another alternative in this scenario is to run the AutoUpdate executable that will launch the AutoUpdate process without requiring Studio to run. You can find the AutoUpdate client here: C:\ProgramData\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio5\Updates\TrueUpdate.exe. Double click this .exe file in Windows Explorer to run the AutoUpdate client.)
In summary, as long as you have not deactivated Trados Studio 2017, you can install CU12 through AutoUpdate as normal. Once you have installed it, you can deactivate it and the Trados Studio 2019 upgrade license will be used instead. This is what CU12 enables. If you have not deactivated Trados Studio 2017 yet, it will just carry on working - an existing license will take precedence.
The mechanism described in the above points is valid for the upgrade process from Studio 2017 to 2019 licenses only. For Studio 2015 and earlier versions, this process does not apply.
Other changes in CU12:
Fixed issue where the Update TM check box was unavailable from Trados Studio for WorldServer TMs for all SDL WorldServer 11 versions before 11.3 (CRQ-9405).
Fixed issue where the AutoUpdate notification box did not always display its contents properly (LTGS-1948).
Fixed the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when closing documents with revisions under certain circumstances (LG-13986).

Cumulative Update 11 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10011.20356, Released on 24 April 2018)
Fixed issue with the Trados Studio 2017 SR1 CU10 installer not installing the required version of the Microsoft.NET Framework. As a result of this, various errors were occurring under certain circumstances, such as when attempting to connect to SDL Trados GroupShare and/or SDL Language Cloud. (CRQ-9654).
The File > Language Cloud path to access SDL Language Cloud was removed. This prepares a future Language Cloud release with changed authentication mechanisms. All information on your Language Cloud subscription can be found in the Sign-In area in the top right corner in SDL Trados Studio.

Cumulative Update 10 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10010.18573, Released on 11 April 2018)
Applying PerfectMatch during project creation used to lead to corrupted SDLXLIFF files and Analysis report under certain circumstances. This is now fixed. (CRQ-9113)
When connecting to a WorldServer TM, Trados Studio may show an Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel error. This is now fixed. (CRQ-7094)
Fixed issue with locked content tag order changing when applying a translation unit that was imported as a file in the TM. (CRQ-9134)

Cumulative Update 9 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.10009.15268, Released on 21 February 2018)
You can now lock or unlock segments when in Review Mode or when Track Changes/TQA is active. You can lock and unlock segments containing track changes, but you still cannot lock segments that contain TQA issues.
For users to get more complete information when translating from Asian languages in the light of the new Asian tokenization option, there is now a Word column in the Analysis report for Asian source languages:
if the character-based tokenization (active by default) is used, the word column reports a single Asian-language character as one word and a Western-language word as one word.
if the new word-based tokenization is used, the word column reports Asian-language words as words identified by the new tokenization engine and Western-language words also as one word. This typically always results in a lower word count.
Fixed issue with Pre-Translate batch task not replacing 100% matches with  context matches.
Fixed issue with Trados Studio throwing the Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created error when the Automatically re-open previously edited documents option is selected.
Fixed issue with the GetTranslationMemories call in infinite loop for the TM API.
AutoCorrect: fixed issue where users cannot add abbreviations that contain more than one dot as exceptions in the First Letter tab of the AutoCorrect exceptions dialog.
Fixed issue with UI tags not being displayed for certain files when using machine translation.

Cumulative Update 8 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.6413.8, Released on 13 November 2017)
This release features full compatibility with SDL Trados GroupShare 2017 SR1 whose release will be announced separately. This means, among other enhancements, that the upLIFT Match Repair and the upLIFT Fragment Match features are now also available for server-based translation memories. Earlier releases of SDL Trados Studio 2017 and SDL Trados Studio 2015 can also be used to connect to server-based TMs in SDL Trados GroupShare 2017 SR1, but upLIFT functionality will not be available for these earlier versions.
Because the changes made to word tokenization for Asian languages can impact workflows and word counting invoiced to translation service buyers, there is now a new option in the project creation wizard to Use word-based tokenization for Asian source languages. This is not selected by default, so the old way of counting characters is enabled unless you change this.
Fixed inconsistencies in character count and word count for character-based (Asian) languages.
Added support for dictionaries in the SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation provider. Besides translation engines, users can now configure and use dictionaries from their Language Cloud account. By design, this functionality works for baseline, trained and industry engines, but not for AdaptiveMT engines, where terminology changes are applied through post-editing results and the engine adapting to that terminology over time.
Enhanced the AutoUpdate user experience:
the settings for AutoUpdate in the Trados Studio are now more straightforward and there is a new option to download updates automatically
there is now a new notifications area for broadcasting news regarding the availability of new updates
this new functionality will replace the previous cumulative update flow for the next cumulative update after this one.
The SDLXLIFF Converter for Microsoft  Office plugin used to throw an error message when attempting to convert a file. This is now fixed.
When using the QuickInsert feature, the QuickTagList button is not enabled error was shown. This is now fixed.
Fixed an issue with incorrect repetition counting when using AdaptiveMT in the Analyze files batch task.
Fixed issue with settings not being saved when creating a new project based on previous project.
Fixed some help buttons not redirecting to correct help page.
Enhanced message prompts in the upLIFT fragment alignment workflow.
Fixed issue with saving Pre-translate files report when using the French user interface in Trados Studio.
Locked segments were not showing in the Locked Category in File Analysis. This is now fixed.
Fixed crash in the Trados Studio Editor and Batch Tasks while working with .sdlppx with Match Repair activated and having large termbases.
Log files for upgrading translation memories could not be deleted while Trados Studio was running. This is now fixed.
Changed the order of the terminology provider list so that the Language Cloud Terminology provider is now in the third position.
If the server TM list contained several thousand entries, the list could sometimes not be retrieved in Trados Studio. This is now fixed.
Fixed issue with file-based translation memory permissions that allowed a guest or translator user to open the file-based TM for editing in TM Maintenance view.
Fixed issue with saving changes in TM Maintenance view for TMs with Asian languages.

Cumulative Update 7 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.6329.7, Released on 12 September 2017)
Fix: The browser version preset by Trados Studio no longer causes crashes in the Web Lookup app. This should increase the stability of SDL Trados Studio when also using the Web Lookup plug-in.
Fix: Edit/Delete Translation Unit now works as expected in SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 with both LookAhead on and LookAhead off.
Change: To optimize performance with very large TMs containing upLIFT fragments, the default setting for partial TU fragment matches has been set to off by default. This reinstates the behavior in pre-SR1 releases. To switch it back on, go to Project Settings > Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automated Translation > Search and adjust the settings under TU fragment.
Change: LookAhead no longer prefetches segments where it has not found a result in the translation provider. This re-enables use cases where a high fuzzy match follows on to the current segment, or where you add a new term on the current segment that you expect to see in the next segment.
Fix: Critical bug fixed in the new Trados GroupShare file assignment functionality of the New Project wizard in Trados Studio 2017 SR1.
Change: The character counter in the Trados Studio status bar counts white spaces again (re-establishing default behavior before SR1).
Fix: Fixed the Unexpected exception when completing task 'Analyze Files': Invalid number of analysis bands. error when creating a package from a project with a server-based termbase.
Fix: Package creation with termbase no longer fails with a sharing violation when Match Repair is on.
Fix: Package creation no longer fails with the Failed to save project 'NP1' to '[TEMPFILE].sdlproj': Object reference not set to an instance of an object error under certain circumstances.
Change: CU7 introduces a new setting under Project Settings > Match Repair to indicate if match repair should be used in batch processing. The default is off to allow faster analysis and pre-translation during project preparation.

Cumulative Update 6 for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 (Build 14.1.6284.6, Released on 1 August 2017)
Cumulative Update 6 addresses the following issues:
Removed all default keyboard shortcuts from the new Language Cloud sign in functionality so that it no longer interferes with frequent special characters in languages such as Polish.
Changed Trados Studio behaviour such that the AdaptiveMT, the industry and the custom engines are displayed correctly for all language variants in a project.
Updated the PDF file type to enable full support for the IRIS OCR add-on. The IRIS add-on is an app for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 or higher that provides support for recognizing text in scanned PDF documents with Asian content. It uses advanced OCR technology to recognise Asian characters and convert them as faithfully as possible to translatable content in SDL Trados Studio, within the limitations imposed by the PDF file format. The app integrates with the PDF file type in SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 CU6 or later. The IRIS add-on is available on the App Store.
Downloading and Installing Cumulative Updates
A cumulative update is automatically applied when you use the AutoUpdate functionality available in SDL Trados Studio. AutoUpdate is turned on by default, so you will automatically be notified of the update as soon as it is available. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and apply the update.

SDL Trados Studio 2017 Cumulative Update 5 (Build 14.0.5889.5, Released on 02 May 2017)
Fixed a problem where the Analyze batch task was not working after merging segments in certain cases.
Fixed an issue where an unexpected error occurred when running the Verify Files batch task throws for projects with bilingual XLF files.
Enhanced upLIFT Fragment Recall functionality such that fragment matches that begin with a number is now also returned in the AutoSuggest suggestion window.
Fixed AutoSuggest dictionaries not working on a network share (UNC path).
Fixed a problem with project Package creation where the option Create new file-based project translation memory for every package did not include any project TMs in the package under certain circumstances.
Enhanced the Trados Studio QA check such that it no longer reports too many false positives with space characters and placeholder tags.
Enhanced the Find and Replace feature to no longer find too incorrect occurrences of double spaces by incorrectly including placeholder tags in the search for space characters.
Enhanced the Find and Replace functionality in such a way that the entirety of a segment is now always scrolled into view when finding a string in the segment.
Fixed an issue where inserting fragment matches for the first segment could cause content to be inserted outside visible segments, leading to duplicate or otherwise incorrect text in the target file.
Fixed several issues with penalties being applied incorrectly to 100% and context matches.
Fixed a problem where the multiple translation penalty was incorrectly applied when alleged duplicate TUs had different formatting.
Multiple 100% and context match penalties are now more consistent between Studio and WorldServer.
The SDLXLIFF Converter no longer excludes 99% matches incorrectly when the Exclude Context Matches and Exact matches options are checked.
Enhanced the performance for the Analyze Files batch task when working with baseline engines in SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation.
Fixed a rare issue where the Edit source command could lead to the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Fixed a problem where the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object occurred when opening virtually merged SDXLIFF files.
Fixed a problem in the QA Checker and other verification tools where certain checks were no longer highlighting the misspelled word in the segment.
Fixed a problem where several instances of the Align Translation Units dialog box could be opened incorrectly.
Fixed a problem on localized operating systems where Studio did not always launch with the previously set application window size.
Fixed a problem in the Editor behavior where translations with track changes rejected were not applied correctly in all cases.
Fixed a problem in the Upgrade Translation Memory Wizard where it was not adding the *.SDLTM files correctly from the current folder.
The new drag & drop box on the Welcome page in Studio 2017 is now resizable.
Fixed a problem where the source text on the Fragment Matches view part was not highlighting the fragment matched text correctly in certain cases.
Fixed a problem where the Windows User Name and Password fields were not grayed out when switching to SDL Authentication.
Enhanced Fuzzy Match Repair such that the expected repaired punctuation is now displayed in the target even if the punctuation occurs immediately before another repaired text.
Enhanced project templates such that changes to the Dates and Times auto-substitution settings are now reflected correctly in the projects created based on this template.
Resolved issues when trying to activate a license that does not match the currently installed version of SDL Trados Studio.
Fixed a problem where batch tasks caused incorrect confirmation statistics when running on projects with merged sdlxliff files, which could also cause errors during check in into SDL Trados GroupShare projects.
When using server-based TMs from SDL Trados GroupShare, it is now possible to select multiple translation memories at once when adding them to projects.
When using Windows authentication for server-based TMs hosted in SDL Trados GroupShare, it is now possible to specify the Windows login.
Fixed a problem in GroupShare where the server TM list in Studio did not load if the user had access to several thousand TMs. This problem was addressed for GroupShare 2017.
Fixed a problem where any specified filter was ignored when exporting or importing TM data from SDL Trados GroupShare 2017.
Fixed a problem where all the translation memories from all organisations from SDL Trados GroupShare 2017 were displayed incorrectly while navigating the tree or using the Include subfolders option.
Enhanced Trados Studio’s behavior for concordance searching: the Perform search if the TM lookup returns no results option now works even when the fragment matches window is also activated automatically.
The Help button on Add/Edit SDL Server no longer leads to a 404 Not found error.
The Project Translation Memory setting is now correctly stored in project templates.
Fixed the The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: [...] error when using server-based translation memories.
Fixed a critical problem where MultiTerm and Trados Studio Memory leaks occurred when using termbases with incorrect version information.
The handling and usage of WorldServer project packages has been harmonized with the behavior of native SDL Trados Studio project packages. Both types of packages now behave the same way in typical user scenarios.
Fixed a problem where SDL WorldServer .wsxz package could not be opened in SDL Trados Studio when files had similar names.
Fixed a problem where the Center active row option was not working as expected with QA messages.
Fixed a problem where custom engines with Catalan as language were not shown in Studio.
Enhanced Fuzzy Match Repair in a number of areas.
Fixed a problem where the Analyze Files batch task failed with the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when using a Language Resource Template with a segmentation rule based on regular expressions.

SDL Trados Studio 2017 Cumulative Update 4 (Build 14.0.5821.4, Released on 20 February 2017)
Resolved an issue where Windows authentication was not possible when connecting to SDL Trados GroupShare 2017. Note that this fix requires GroupShare 2017 Build 4979 or higher.
Resolved an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when editing Language Resource templates from GroupShare 2017.
Resolved an issue where SDL WorldServer packages (WSXZ) could not be opened in Studio when files had similar names.

SDL Trados Studio 2017 Cumulative Update 3 (Build 14.0.5812.3, Released on 8 February 2017)
Cumulative update 3 addresses a critical problem where AppStore apps could no longer be installed using the plugin installer.

SDL Trados Studio 2017 Cumulative Update 2 (Build 14.0.5811.2, Released on 7 February 2017)
Fixed several occurrences of the following error: Internal error: Multiple tags with the same ID '843' have different start tag properties.
Fixed an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when applying Perfect Match.
Fixed a problem where tags were not matched correctly and <pm> tags were created instead, leading to damaged target files or errors when attempting to save target files.
Addressed segmentation errors occurring when opening specific files in Studio 2017 with the following error message: The document cannot be processed since it contains unexpected contents.
Fixed a problem where text with superscript was not offered for translation if it occurred within a source comment.
Fixed an issue where the segmentation hint May exclude was no longer working correctly for tag pairs in a segment when it also contained a placeholder tag whose segmentation hint was set to Include with text.
Enhanced the whitespace processor such that extra whitespace is no longer added in CDATA content processed with the HTML filter for the Chinese target language
Fixed a problem where a full stop followed by an internal tag was not segmented correctly, leading to changed segment size and, as a result, an unexpected leverage loss in pre-translation and interactive translation.
The segmentation hint Include with text no longer leads to translatable content being omitted unexpectedly from translation in specific cases.
Fixed a problem where MIF files translated to Persian were empty due to language information missing in MIF tags
Fixed the following error: Failed to save target content: Extra 'marker' reference tag within the segment ID 'n'
Fixed a problem where all anchored frames with those not set to At Insertion Point as its anchoring position were offered for translation
Fixed a problem where the MIF file type did not expose text in cross-reference (xref) tags for translation.
Fixed the following error: Failed to save target content: Missing 'textinset' reference tag within the segment ID.
Fixed the following error: Failed to save target content: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Fixed the following error: Failed to open source file: Index was out of range.
Adobe InDesign IDML
Fixed problems where target IDML files could no longer be saved with SDL Studio 2015 SR2 CU7.
Fixed the following error: Failed to save target content: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'Sdl.FileTypeSupport.Filters.Idml.FileFormat.Datacontainers.AResource'.
Fixed the following error: The 'cns' start tag on line 1 position n does not match the end tag of 'cf'.
Fixed the following error: Failed to save target content: Missing '<xr id="" name="" type="" value="Editorseite &#8222;übersicht“"/>' reference tag within the segment ID ''. Please run the Tag Verification to see details.

SDL Trados Studio 2017 Cumulative Update 1 (Build 14.0.5760.1, Released on 14 December 2016)
Fixed the errorThe string was not recognized as a valid DateTime occurring when creating translation memories on systems running certain languages of Windows 10, such as Finnish, Serbian or Norwegian
Fixed the Culture not supported error displayed when attempting to create translation memories with certain languages added recently to Windows operating systems, such as Spanish (Modern), and keeping the Support Fragment Alignment option checked
Fixed an issue with certain language flavors not being available when using SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation, such as French (Canada) and Portuguese (Brazil).
Fixed a problem where changed segmentation rules in a translation memory were not applied during alignment processes.
Enhanced the behaviour of the Korean Input Method Editor (IME) such that AutoSuggest suggestions now appear without the user having to press the [Enter] key first. A new IME Behavior option is available in the Advancedtab in the Editor view to fine-tune this new functionality.

SDL Trados Studio  MultiTerm 2017 Update.zip
SDL Trados Studio-14.1.6329.7.msp





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